If sales is the backbone of every business organization, generating a database to achieve sales is equally important. A lead is said to be a qualified lead only when your data is accurate and reliable. In the field of b2b lead generation, to generate a quality email contact list there are ‘n’ number of ways available for a b2b email marketer who need to choose the right method out of it. However, every organization tries to deliver quality services by decreasing the costs and increasing the profits. Reputation of the organization lies in the quality of service.

Quality Contacts for qualified lead generation

How to build targeted email marketing list considering quality as the factor?

Contact forms on your websites: The best way to get the qualified contacts is through your website itself. Create a contact form which can be filled by the user who visits you website. Drive him to the form by explaining what he benefits from filling the form. For example – use the catchy call to actions – schedule a demo, book a free trial now, signup for the brochure or download case study, whitepaper etc.
Email Marketing: Add ‘call to actions’ to signup/ register on your website in the present campaigns which you are running. This campaign may include your business associates, partners, clients, vendors etc.
Networking events & conferences: Attend some b2b networking events where you can speak about your services to the people, exchange contact details. This is one more way where there is a chance of getting accurate database.
Content: Content does wonders in this world. Share some articles, write some blogs related to your business domain or how your business domain helps other sectors. Always remember that you share your content with specific call action in it.
Discussion forums & groups: There are many networking forums/boards & groups available online where a person can take the membership and join those groups, discuss with others on various topics. This is one of the finest ways to generate database.
Webinars / events / conferences: Organize some business events, webinars and conferences where you can invite people to join you, register for your events for free. This is the best way to collect data.
Social media: The largest zone for marketing. Share your content, ask people to sign up for your events, newsletters, webinars etc. on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Also, LinkedIn and twitter are the best sources to collect data.
There are many other major online sources available on the web to collect database for your email marketing. Some of them are data.com, hoovers, netprospex, OneSource, Readycontacts, eGrabber, Insideview, Builtwith, Mattermark, Cedarb etc.

Author's Bio: 

To know more about the subject, contact Eva Jonson (eva.jonson@movingdneedle.com) Head Marketing at movingDneedle, a leading B2B Lead Generation Company.