Boomers are in peril of not being able to afford to retire. It’s a VERY serious situation and one that needs immediate attention from all parties, including our government. They need to get serious about FULLY funding the entitlement programs so many people depend on and will need in retirement. Employers who offered pensions in the past, need to properly manage their pension funds, so that their employee’s hard work will continue to be rewarded into the future: and boomers themselves, must get serious about their own retirement unpreparedness and take action NOW to protect and preserve their retirement future. It’s been a wake-up call for many to SAVE more, and then work HARD to keep their nest egg growing safely for retirement, as well as avoiding unnecessary spending, reducing taxes and investment fees, and reducing over exposure to market volatility and risk.

As far as income in retirement, the term “reliable income” has become somewhat of an oxymoron. Just like you can’t technically be “alone in a crowd” or have an “unbiased opinion” – the concept of a “reliable income” in retirement is becoming “almost totally” unpredictable. It’s really up to YOU, and only YOU, to guarantee anything you get in life. It takes a viable plan to MAXIMIZE what you have saved now, and then figure out how it can grow SAFELY and SECURELY, so you will have enough income and assets to last throughout retirement. By working with a true financial advisor, who can help you make sense of your retirement savings and future anticipated income needs, you will be able to create a “reliable income” for yourself – despite what the economy or stock market does. Take the time to find someone you can work with and trust – you only get one chance to do retirement right. To help you find that “trusted” someone, download our FREE report, “ 10 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor- Before You Invest a Dime With Them!”

Given the 76 million baby boomers who are mostly overwhelmed and underprepared for retirement, here are 3 keys to making sure your retirement savings go the distance, so you can retire with peace of mind that YOUR money will last as long (or longer) than you do.

Hold off on Social Security: Although it may be tempting to cash in, as early as possible on the program you’ve been contributing money to your whole working life, taking Social Security benefits at the earliest age of eligibility has an enormous impact on how MUCH your monthly benefits will BE going forward. By taking early benefits at age 62, you could potentially be cheating yourself out of thousands of dollars later on, likely at the time when you will need MORE money the most. For example, if you start withdrawing your benefits at age 70 instead of age 62, you can expect your monthly check to contain up to 75% MORE money. That sure sounds like a good reason to hold off to me!

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