1. Refugees are linked to terrorism and 91% get food stamps; 73% medicaid, 68% get cash assistance.

2. Obama wants 70,000 Muslim refugees http://shoebat.com/2015/09/10/obama-orders-that-america-take-in-70000-is... Is this the “change” we voted for?

2.5 Saudi Arabia could take 1 million in their empty, air-conditioned tents, but they say NO!
http://jewfacts.com/saudi-arabia-has-100000-air-conditioned-tents-that-c... If Muslims won't take other Muslims, why are we inviting a Trojan Horse time bomb with a short fuse? The Boston Marathon bombers proved it doesn't take long. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/253516-carson-rai...

3. As the world mourned the slaughter of 21 Christians by ISIS, Obama spent the day golfing http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=30901 Obama won't help Middle East Christians http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/Frank-Wolf-ISIS-Christians-persecution... He asked for Israel's borders to be turned back to 1967 that would be indefensible. He admitted that he is Muslim, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY Strike Three! Shouldn't someone be out? Why can't Congress get it done. Why do they favor so many stupid changes including Obamacare (“worst thing since slavery,” Ben Carson) and the Iran nuke deal.

PS: The pope wants Europe to take refugees. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/07/world/europe/pope-calls-on-europeans-t... When their daughters and wives are raped, the pope can pardon the offender. Maybe the pope and Obama are reading the same playbook in an orchestrated push to a New World Order? Let Congress tell the pope, HELL NO! The pope could be behind our failing economy, fracturing freedoms and more... http://News4Living.wordpress.com

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Richard Ruhling is author of The Alpha & Omega Bible Code that has mostly 5-star reviews on Amazon and readers can get a cheap pdf with a bonus on his website, http://TheBridegroomComes.com