If there are unique rugs in the market then Persian rugs are definitely the most unique of them all. These rugs come in different sizes, shapes and even designs. They have the capacity to make any room look as good as new. When complimented well with the room, they leave one of the best impressions in the room. These rugs can be modern or traditional rugs. The choice of a particular rug will more often than not depend on the individual needs and wants. There are some rugs that are machine made; some are made by hand while others are simply just knotted. The treatment of a particular rug will depend on many factors. One of the biggest determinants is how the rug has been made. The design of the rug will determine the sort of treatment that the rug will be given in terms of cleaning the rug. In the event that the rug is not cleaned in the proper manner, the results can be detrimental. Moth build up will eventually cause the rug to wear our slowly. This is one of the main reasons why you have to leave the rug cleaning to the professionals. You should never compromise on the quality of cleaning of the rugs at any one time. As the cleaning is done, any areas that need repair should also be addressed.
When repairing the rugs, one of the most important facts to consider is the process that was used to make the rug. If the rug was made by use of machine then you have to repair it using a machine. Rug that was woven by hand needs to be repaired by hand. Caution also needs to be taken especially when doing the repairs. One needs to make sure that the color of threads that was used to make the rug is similar to the one that is used to make the rug. Skilled professionals are also charged with the responsibility of making sure that the rugs are repaired neatly. Kelims and flat weave rugs for instance require special care when it comes to cleaning and repair of the rugs. We are a shop that not only enables you to shop rugs online but also is best when it comes to repair of the rugs. We always make sure that the rugs are repaired in the right manner.
When it comes to rugs repair, the cost of the repair is also a factor that is always of great importance. Most of the companies charge unreasonably for the repair of the rugs. Some may even charge more than what it had cost you to purchase the rugs. Here, we always make sure that all the prices we have are fair. We are less interested in your cash and more interested in provision of the best services. We are never going to let you down when it comes to rugs repair. We even offer discounts for the products that we have as well as the services.

Author's Bio: 

Rugs.ie,  was founded by Brendan Holland and Dominique Tregaro.It first started as Woodfloors & Rugs ltd, in 1994 in Cork , selling Oriental and Persian rugs, and high quality wood flooring.http://rugs.ie/