As the price of gasoline continues to soar at the pumps many are looking for places to cut expenses. One of the most common places consumers often choose to cut those expenses is by ignoring regular maintenance on their vehicles . While hoping for better economic days or windfalls to cover the gap between earnings and expenses is understandable it's also a dangerous choice to make.

Annual statistics show that approximately five percent of all automobile accidents are caused by mechanical failure, and that may seem like a very low number and no real cause for concern. Until it's your vehicle or someone you love becomes a part of that statistic.

Let's take a moment to go over a list of common automobile maintenance practices you can adhere to without breaking the bank and will also net you better gas mileage and savings in the long run. Most if not all of these will also reduce the likelihood of mechanical failure caused by neglect, as well as being free or very low cost.

  • Keep tires properly inflated according to vehicle specifications.
    • Properly inflated tires wear more evenly and produce less friction allowing tires to last longer
    • Remember that the vehicle manufacturer, not the tire manufacturer, determines the correct tire pressure for the tires on your vehicle.
  • Rotate tires regularly (Free at most tire stores)
    • Keeping tire rotated every 3000 – 5000 miles will keep tread wear even and reduce the probability of tire blowouts or tread separation caused by excessive wear in one area of the tire.
  • Drive the speed limit.
  • Keep your car clean inside and out.
    • A dirty car produces more wind resistance than one that's clean and waxed.
    • Clean windows and headlights make for improved visibility.
    • Trash on the floor can easily end up lodged under the gas or brake pedal.
  • Check fluids and top off to proper level
    • Power steering fluid – Keep the steering rank and parts well lubricated and allows for quick and smooth turning of the wheel as needed.
    • Transmission fluid – Keeps the gears within the transmission moving smoothly and allowing for proper acceleration and deceleration on demand
    • Coolant- Keeps the temperature of the engine and transmission within proper range and reduces the likelihood of overheating and engine shut off.
    • Oil- Keeps the engine's inner moving parts lubricated and keeps the engine block from getting too hot and seizing.
    • Brake Fluid – Keeps the moving parts of the braking mechanism well lubricated. Low brake fluid can cause reduce pressure in the brake lines and cause brakes to slip, grab, and even seize causing loss of control of the vehicle.

A properly maintained vehicle will cost you less money at the gas pumps, lower repairs costs caused by neglect, and reduce the likelihood of mechanical failure on your vehicle. So don't be penny-wise and pound foolish. We can't control the price of gas at the pumps but we can control how much gas we consume by keeping our cars properly maintained.

Author's Bio: 

Insurance Land is dedicated to help consumers save money on insurance premiums. Therefor we provide these insurance tips on a bi-monthly basis.