Taking the time to be pleased with your actions, capturing your feelings of pride in yourself and being able to step back and reward yourself for fulfilling your goals is such an important task to complete. We need to observe our own successful accomplishments and take the valuable opportunity to acknowledge our greatness in our own lives.

You know what they say, everyone loves compliments and everybody adores to be commended for a job well done; this includes you too. Unfortunately more often than not we are so enthralled with praising others and mentioning their wonderful accomplishments that we forget our very own good doings and triumphs. Taking the time to reflect on your successes breeds continued further success down the road. Not to mention appreciating your achievements builds your self esteem and gives you the motivation to continue taking steps toward your goals. There are a number of steps you can initiate when stopping to soak up the admirable accomplishments of little old you:

~Self Gratitude Journal: purchase a small notepad, one that will fit into your pocketbook; each time you do something that is a step in the direction of your goals, quickly pull out your notepad and jot it down. It can be just about anything that makes you feel good about who you are; steps you take and the way in which you conduct yourself, your thoughts and your actions.

~Review: choose a designated day of the week when you will review your Self Gratitude Journal and reread all the wonderful steps you are taking and the super ways in which you are doing the best you can to support your hopes and dreams. Please feel free to go through your Self Gratitude Journal at any time to support your visions for you and your life.

~Treat Yourself: rewarding yourself in whatever manner you see fit is essential to your continued enthusiasm and eagerness as you carry on taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Positive reinforcement isn’t just for children and when we take the time to acknowledge ourselves for all that we do, amazing things can happen.

Filling yourself up with positive vibes and optimistic oomph will enhance your journey and keep you traveling down your pathway at a steady pace. Treat yourself admirably.

Author's Bio: 

I adore coaching women toward a happier, more fulfilling lifestyle. I am living out my passion and loving the difference I make in women's lives