Cake, this is such an item that is loved by almost every individual. The name itself is so relishing that it waters our mouth. These days, it has become a tradition to get cakes on birthdays and on every simple or special occasion like an anniversary or just a small get together. You can find a wide variety of cakes in the bakeries; however it is a far better feeling to prepare a cake at home. Cake recipes are not so hard to find; in the world of internet all you have to do is type the name of the cake and you will get hundreds of easy cake recipes. You can make every single party a special occasion with simple cake recipes.
Baking cake is full of fun when you know the way to do it and when you have all the proper ingredients. Baking is not a hard task; let us have a look at some easy cake recipes in this piece of article.
Rich chocolate cake
The main ingredients in this recipe are cocoa powder, buttermilk, vanilla extract, brewed coffee, eggs and vegetable oil. You need to start by preheating the oven up to 300 degree Fahrenheit. Then, grease the cake pan and line it with the parchment paper, and then flour the cake pan. Now, you need to sift flour, baking soda, cocoa and salt together. Take another bowl and mix butter milk, eggs, vanilla and oil together. Now, carefully add the liquid mixture into the dry mixture and mix it very well. Add coffee and start stirring it again. Now it is the most awaited time- baking. Empty the prepared batter into the cake pan and bake it for about 30 to 40 minutes. This simple cake recipe would definitely impress your fellow beings. Try it!
Fruit cake
Here, the ingredients are almost same, but you also need to add dry fruits and apple sauce as well. The procedure for baking fruit cake is also similar to the one that has been explained above. Among all the cake recipes, fruit cake is loved by most of the people. Furthermore, it is also one of the simple cake recipes to start with. Cakes are quite expensive; therefore it is always a wise decision to prepare a cake from a long list of easy cake recipes. Moreover, you can serve more people at less cost too. Have a splendid time by baking your cake!

Author's Bio: 

Nikita Verma writes about many Indian food recipes related subjects like healthy and easy food. She has gained proficiency in various sections like Cake Recipes, chocolate recipes, Dessert Recipes etc.