If you have been following the articles of the past several weeks, you have probably been making some big changes in decluttering your life and preparing for the New Year. So let’s take a moment to breathe… relax… and look at some small shifts that can make big differences.

Just like any other change that we make in our lives, we receive the biggest impact when the change is aligned with our intentions. One of my intentions is to live with freedom and ease.

I had the wonderful opportunity this week of experiencing one of these small shifts. It involved my time, when I write and how I write best. I am more creative when I am in motion – traveling, walking or exercising… so it is best for me to schedule my writing around that time. Having a device handy to capture my thoughts was a good idea as well. The result was to move the publication date of the newsletter from Thursday to Tuesday and to use an iPhone App called Voice Memos. This small shift is perfectly aligned with my intention and added hours to my week!

If you are looking for ways to make small shifts that make a difference, check out these 3 strategies and see if they work for you:

* Look at your to-do list. What are the top five things on your list? If you are not at the top of your list simply move yourself to the top and you will realize an immediate shift. Then prioritize the list by giving the biggest priority to those things that will move you forward.

* Stop multi-tasking! Try this for one day and see how you’re able to cross more off your to-do list. By focusing on one task at a time, you are able to be fully present, complete it quickly and be more productive. You are in control of your time. By shifting how you work and focusing on just one thing until completion you will free your mind of clutter and experience more creativity.

* If your world is completely filled with helping others with no time for yourself schedule yourself a “Just for Me” day to shower yourself with appreciation. Create your own spa day at home, catch up on that book you have been meaning to read, or spend some extra time working on your favorite hobby, be creative!

So take it easy this week, put yourself first, look for ways to eliminate stress and free up time by making one or two small shifts in your day or the way you work. Then take the extra time you have created and thank yourself with a little “Just for Me” time.

Author's Bio: 

Marie Kirkland of Inner Alignment Living helps soul-inspired entrepreneurs to live an aligned life by helping them integrate their spirituality, lifestyle and business. Sign up for Marie's weekly newsletter 'Align Your Life' at http://tinyurl.com/yffxhhg and receive her free eBook, 'Declutter Your Life: Creating a Life of Peace, Organization and Balance'. You can view more articles on her website at www.innteralignmentliving.com.