“So Certain Are You?”

By Keith Varnum

As you face your personal challenges in the New Year, is Yoda of Star Wars referring to you?

“So certain are you? Always with you it cannot be done.”

Do you find yourself agreeing with Luke Skywalker?

“Moving stones around is one thing. This is totally

Or are you ready to hear Yoda’s helpful wisdom?

“No. No different. Only different in your mind. You must
unlearn what you have learned.”

Resolution Evolution
Will you allow your ability to resolve to evolve?

Will you allow your problems to solve?

Or are you “so certain” that some obstacles can’t be

Resolution Revolution
Are you ready to allow life to become easier? … more fun? …
more joyous?

“Why, of course!” you immediately shout.

But, wait, not so fast. Are you really willing to let go of
your ego’s cherished belief that life is a hard, constant
uphill battle?

When the Rubber Hits the Road
In my 30 years experience with thousands of clients, I’ve
found that when faced with real-life choices between ease and
struggle, most people unconsciously buy back into their
knee-jerk attitude of struggle.

“Life as struggle” is familiar, comfortable and socially
accepted. Unfortunately, most of our family, friends and
co-workers will support you in the worldview that positive
change takes tremendous effort and work—and then doesn’t last

But does transformation need to be hard? “No,” consuls Yoda,
“You must unlearn what you have learned.”

No Strain, No Gain
One of the least helpful mass consciousness beliefs is that
“Making changes in old patterns is difficult—and usually
won't last long anyway.” For example, consider the common
belief about New Year’s resolutions. In the popular and
media mindset, “everyone knows” that no one keeps New Year’s
resolutions. At the start of each New Year, making resolutions is discussed almost as a joke. In our society
we aren't even expected to keep our New Year’s resolutions. “Nobody does!”

What If It Were Different Now?
Does positive change have to be tough and temporary? Do we
have to revert back to old, familiar ways so quickly? Can’t
we permanently release old patterns that no longer serve us?

Yoda asks us, “So certain are you? Always with you it cannot
be done.”

Can transformation be easy? Of course it can. You know that
in your heart!

Just don’t ask your mind or Luke Skywalker!

“Moving stones around is one thing. This is totally

Yoda suggests an attractive option:
“No. No different. Only different in your mind. You must
unlearn what you have learned.”

Open to New Possibilities
Could permanent transformation—personal alchemy if you
will—actually be easy?

Shamans know that people can simply “walk out of their old
paradigm.” Yes, physically step out of the old box—mind
set—into a new world of possibilities. People usually need a
hefty push from life to motivate them. It usually takes an
extreme prod from the Universe like an accident or serious
disease. Native peoples call this cosmic nudge “strong

Inspiring examples abound of people who grab success from the jaws of defeat. People who embrace wellbeing over cancer.

People who decide to walk after they are told they will never walk again. People who choose joy over despair, play
over work, aliveness over death.

Expose your self to new possibilities. Read about folks who
have rescued their joy from the clutches of doom and gloom.
Subscribe to spiritual newsletters. Watch inspirational
cinema. Hang out with heartful people.

Notice folks who thrive. Look for who is alive.

Pay attention to fresh opportunities. Welcome new options.
Invite surprise. Expect magic!

Intention Waits for No Belief
You don’t have to wait until you smash up against a wall of
limitation to make your move. You can decide now to own your
power. You can choose now to simply walk away from the
shores of struggle and strife. You can ride the wave of
personal intention to a life of ease and freedom.

“Moving stones around is one thing. This is totally

“No. No different. Only different in your mind.”

Author's Bio: 

Bio: A vibrant film maker in college, at the tender age of 19, Keith Varnum went totally blind before he could launch out on his own. The prognosis of Western doctors that Keith would be blind for the rest of his life catapulted him into the adventure of his life! On this journey he studied with medicine men, shaman, Hawaii Kahuna and Eastern spiritual masters, regained his eyesight, and discovered the secrets of all healing, transformation and success. Keith has tested these practical secrets in his 35-year career as an author, Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Life Coach, Vision Quest guide, acupuncturist, sound healer, radio host, and vice-president of a multi-million dollar company. When not exploring consciousness in the canyons of Arizona, Keith travels around the world assisting people to open to life‚ wonders and surprises in his Dream