Our thoughts are so important to us on a daily basis. Especially as we have on average about 70,000 of them in any 24 hour period.
What we think about most of the time is exactly what manifests in to our reality.
When we change our thoughts we will indeed change the world we live in, and will also have a knock on affect to the people we interact with.

If you want confirmation of this then I will give you an example…
Why is it that a vicious person lives in a vicious world and a happy person lives in a happy world?
It’s the same world so why is it different?
It isn’t!

But what is different is the way we perceive it in our daily lives, how we think about ourselves and others.
It’s our attitude, values and beliefs (V.B.) in total that work as our very own operating platform. (Like Windows XP or Windows 7)

The essence of a computer is based on a human mind, computers will never be as clever, but they do operate in many similar ways.
We start off in life gathering info and storing it all up, then using it daily in our lives.
Our values, beliefs and attitude become our operating platform like the Windows platforms I spoke about above.

I started out on Windows 95 it was ok and I learnt many things, but as time went on I needed to upgrade and move on.
I could not operate to my full potential in these days if I had stayed with the 95 software program.
If I had of tried to do so my life would have been slowed down, and it would be like wading through mud.

If we do not upgrade our values beliefs and attitudes constantly we will also be restricted in living our lives to the full.
Surely we want to at least have the choice to sprint rather than trudge along.

A good coach will be able to find out what is serving you best in the areas of values, beliefs and attitude.
Once established you and the coach will be able to weed out the ones that are not serving you and replace them with alternatives.
This is what I was referring to as upgrading your platforms.

That’s why I prefer to tell people I am a “Human Technician” rather than a “Life Coach”
I say to people I can tweet you, fix you, and help you to discover the greater platforms that are already within you.
I just help you to discover them; I do rely on them wanting to do so because with out their desire and drive it will fail.

The good news is I can also help them to regenerate the passion and drive needed, but the individual (you) have to give permission to yourself and the coach to do so.
It’s as easy as that yet hard for many to accept this simple concept.

Partly because we all like to think we can sort ALL our own problems out, well we can if all the rest of the hardware, drives, conflicts, ram, memory, etc is all as it should be. This can only work providing we don’t have any viruses lurking around in the back ground like… (negative thoughts usually)

Life is not that complicated as others would like you to believe, we are all basically the same with all the same functions, needs and desires.
We need energy, the right software, a sound platform to operate from, maintenance, and most of all good values and beliefs, ones that will empower us and move us forward, THATS IT!
Yes we are much like computers after all computers were invented to mimic us not the other way around.
What do you do if you can’t fix a problem with your PC? Maybe call a technician?

I rest my case! If you are suffering in some area that you are not comfortable with, then call in the experts to help you.
So once again this is why we all live in the same world but some see it as beautiful and others view it as hostile.
Your eyes are the windows to your soul; allow the soul to see and your eyes will see angels not demons.

Author's Bio: 

Hello To You!

I have a vast experience in making changes in my own life, some I have made myself and some if not most have been made for me.

When the latter happens we have choices on how we handle such changes.

Despite such changes being positive or negative we must then choose what direction we should go in. I as a "Direction Coach" I can help you choose the shortest distance to where you are right now and where it is you want to be in the very near future!
Life is short enough so don’t waste time guessing your route; get a life map to take you to your treasure, I will help and guide you to draw such a map.Check out the site at http://www.bjacoaching.co.uk/product/