With the growth of cosmic consciousness, awareness of spiritual astrology grows. Queries come up regarding spiritual development. Search for answers and solutions begin with Vedic Astrology. A horoscope is not only a photo of your material and psychological world but also your spiritual world.
In a material world you identify yourself with your name and all that you come in contact through your senses. On psychological level you resemble yourself with your actions, behaviour and thoughts. On spiritual level you start recognizing that part of yourself who is always present as evidence of material and psychological levels.

Since ages even sages were seeking astrologers to know about their spiritual path and progress. You can get your horoscope made and watch your spiritual photo clearly, learn to interpret it and progress on the path you have chosen. The joy of growing consciousness through the light of the cosmos should shower on you. Feel blessed through the unique opportunity of knowing it and enjoying it.

The truth of what is really happening in life, in the Eastern sense, is that you are a spiritual being. You come here to Earth. Past and future lifetimes are not sources of speculation in the Indian system and culture: they are assumed to be true. In this way, the circumstances of your life now have been determined by your actions in past lifetimes, and in this one. How you handle these circumstances determines your future lifetimes. This process is called "the law of karma.” Vedic – or Indian -- astrology is the process of reading your soul's karma, and is deeply connected to spiritual practices. They are the source of Indian spirituality and mysticism

The spiritual implications of this are vast. In a very literal sense, Vedic astrology is considered to be a “soul mapping”. In Vedic thinking, you are formed by the “seven rays of light” -- the visible planets and their energies. As your life on Earth is a journey toward spiritual perfection, you can better understand that journey through each of the seven principles -- the seven visible planets (and the two shadow planets: the lunar nodes of Rahul and Ketu).

For example, the Sun is your level of confidence and your capacity to express yourself in a fulfilling and dignified way. When it is powerful, you do not over express yourself, nor do you avoid self-expression or responsibility due to a lack of confidence. The Moon is in your capacity to be receptive to life, without protecting yourself from the things you are afraid to receive. When it is powerful, you do not cling too much, like a mother who will not let go of her children, nor do you avoid emotional involvement due to fear of loss.

What is Spirituality?
"Spirituality is the science and the art of remembrance"
Astrology says Spirituality really begins where religion ends.” Spirituality is easily identifiable with mysticism. The mystic or spiritual journey is an inner journey of the heart. One of the great tenets or principles of all religions has been that God resides in the heart of the human being. Spirituality is the need for an inner existence.

Thus, Indian spirituality is all about showing respect to all living beings-animals trees, rocks and even water and lead a positive and healthy life. It is believed that the supreme Creator has put each one of us in this world for a purpose and that purpose is to be compassionate, caring and loving to one-another. As mentioned earlier, the great Indian spiritual personalities and gurus have played an important role in spreading the message of love, care and the need for positive living all over the world.

Why Spirituality?
Spirituality has been defined in numerous ways. These include: a belief in a power operating in the universe that is greater than oneself; a sense of interconnectedness with all living creatures; and an awareness of the purpose and meaning of life and the development of personal, absolute values. It's the way you find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in your life. Although spirituality is often associated with religious life, many believe that personal spirituality can be developed outside of religion. Acts of compassion and selflessness, altruism, and the experience of inner peace are all characteristics of spirituality. Many Americans are becoming interested in the role of spirituality in their health and health care. This may be because of dissatisfaction with the impersonal nature of our current medical system, and the realization that medical science does not have answers to every question about health and wellness.

As a bird needs two wings to fly, so a human being needs the two wings of existence, the spiritual and the material, to lead a natural and harmonious life.(Balancing material and spiritual lives) Spirituality teaches us to balance our aspirations in these two fields. However, in today’s world the demands of material living call out so loudly that they often capture the lion’s share of our attention. By contrast, the call of spirituality, sometimes referred to as ‘the still, small voice within’, is subtle and quiet. Considering the demands of daily living that compete for our attention, it takes a special determination to make room for our inner life.

Based on many subtle techniques, a Vedic astrologer unravels the delicate threads and experiences of this lifetime, framing them against the larger backdrop of your soul's eternal nature and the karmic lessons you are here to learn. At best, Vedic astrology offers a very objective look into your soul's evolution. You realize that there is a divine plan, and remember the divine intelligence that is keeping everything moving forward, you’ll see the beauty of all life situations, even ones that don't feel good in the moment.

Vedic astrology is an amazing tool for helping you make life decisions that inspire happiness. But the true power of Vedic astrology is its ability to shed light on "why" you are in pain, what the deeper soul lesson is. In this way, rather than using astrology as another way to try to "get what you want", Vedic astrology is an incredibly powerful tool to help reveal who you really are, beyond all of the worldly desires and day-to-day distractions.

With the growth of cosmic consciousness, awareness of spiritual astrology grows. Queries come up regarding spiritual development. Search for answers and solutions begin with Vedic Astrology. A horoscope is not only a photo of your material and psychological world but also your spiritual world.

In a material world you identify yourself with your name and all that you come in contact through your senses. On psychological level you resemble yourself with your actions, behaviour and thoughts. On spiritual level you start recognizing that part of yourself who is always present as evidence of material and psychological levels. Since ages even sages were seeking astrologers to know about their spiritual path and progress. You can get your horoscope made and watch your spiritual photo clearly, learn to interpret it and progress on the path you have chosen. The joy of growing consciousness through the light of the cosmos should shower on you. Feel blessed through the unique opportunity of knowing it and enjoying it.

The truth of what is really happening in life, in the Eastern sense, is that you are a spiritual being. You come here to Earth. Past and future lifetimes are not sources of speculation in the Indian system and culture: they are assumed to be true. In this way, the circumstances of your life now have been determined by your actions in past lifetimes, and in this one. How you handle these circumstances determines your future lifetimes. This process is called "the law of karma.” Vedic – or Indian -- astrology is the process of reading your soul's karma, and is deeply connected to spiritual practices. They are the source of Indian spirituality and mysticism

The spiritual implications of this are vast. In a very literal sense, Vedic astrology is considered to be a “soul mapping”. In Vedic thinking, you are formed by the “seven rays of light” -- the visible planets and their energies. As your life on Earth is a journey toward spiritual perfection, you can better understand that journey through each of the seven principles -- the seven visible planets (and the two shadow planets: the lunar nodes of Rahul and Ketu).

For example, the Sun is your level of confidence and your capacity to express yourself in a fulfilling and dignified way. When it is powerful, you do not over express yourself, nor do you avoid self-expression or responsibility due to a lack of confidence. The Moon is in your capacity to be receptive to life, without protecting yourself from the things you are afraid to receive. When it is powerful, you do not cling too much, like a mother who will not let go of her children, nor do you avoid emotional involvement due to fear of loss.

What is Spirituality?
"Spirituality is the science and the art of remembrance"
Astrology says Spirituality really begins where religion ends.” Spirituality is easily identifiable with mysticism. The mystic or spiritual journey is an inner journey of the heart. One of the great tenets or principles of all religions has been that God resides in the heart of the human being. Spirituality is the need for an inner existence.

Thus, Indian spirituality is all about showing respect to all living beings-animals trees, rocks and even water and lead a positive and healthy life. It is believed that the supreme Creator has put each one of us in this world for a purpose and that purpose is to be compassionate, caring and loving to one-another. As mentioned earlier, the great Indian spiritual personalities and gurus have played an important role in spreading the message of love, care and the need for positive living all over the world.

Why Spirituality?
Spirituality has been defined in numerous ways. These include: a belief in a power operating in the universe that is greater than oneself; a sense of interconnectedness with all living creatures; and an awareness of the purpose and meaning of life and the development of personal, absolute values. It's the way you find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in your life. Although spirituality is often associated with religious life, many believe that personal spirituality can be developed outside of religion. Acts of compassion and selflessness, altruism, and the experience of inner peace are all characteristics of spirituality. Many Americans are becoming interested in the role of spirituality in their health and health care. This may be because of dissatisfaction with the impersonal nature of our current medical system, and the realization that medical science does not have answers to every question about health and wellness.

As a bird needs two wings to fly, so a human being needs the two wings of existence, the spiritual and the material, to lead a natural and harmonious life.(Balancing material and spiritual lives) Spirituality teaches us to balance our aspirations in these two fields. However, in today’s world the demands of material living call out so loudly that they often capture the lion’s share of our attention. By contrast, the call of spirituality, sometimes referred to as ‘the still, small voice within’, is subtle and quiet. Considering the demands of daily living that compete for our attention, it takes a special determination to make room for our inner life.

Based on many subtle techniques, a Vedic astrologer unravels the delicate threads and experiences of this lifetime, framing them against the larger backdrop of your soul's eternal nature and the karmic lessons you are here to learn. At best, Vedic astrology offers a very objective look into your soul's evolution. You realize that there is a divine plan, and remember the divine intelligence that is keeping everything moving forward, you’ll see the beauty of all life situations, even ones that don't feel good in the moment.

Vedic astrology is an amazing tool for helping you make life decisions that inspire happiness. But the true power of Vedic astrology is its ability to shed light on "why" you are in pain, what the deeper soul lesson is. In this way, rather than using astrology as another way to try to "get what you want", Vedic astrology is an incredibly powerful tool to help reveal who you really are, beyond all of the worldly desires and day-to-day distractions.

Author's Bio: 

Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions