When thinking of starting a business, there are levels that many people find themselves passing through. First, owning your own business or becoming an entrepreneur is a thought, which leads to a serious idea, which turns into contemplation, and eventually ends up with a major decision. This choice is to not pursue it or to give it further consideration.

Once you’ve decided to pursue the freedom that comes with being your own boss, you have another choice to make – whether you will be interested or invested. There is a huge difference between the two. Often the success of the start-up is determined by this decision.

Mere interest is often times not enough to pursue a lofty goal like starting a business. The lows typically outnumber the highs. The long work days, lack of revenue and only a few or no customers can stomp out the little flicker of interest.

On the other hand, when one is invested in the decision, there is a completely different mindset moving forward. The lows don’t seem so insurmountable, the lack of revenue is considered just a small cash crunch and having no customers just means you need to get the word out more.

How you feel about your business and your future success also can indicate which path you’ll take. Starting from scratch or with just a few-hundred-dollar start-up kit can indicate a lack of many things. You might not have enough belief in yourself, confidence, courage or that ever-so-necessary strong desire to give your time, energy and money towards the goal.

When there is a strong desire to commit to the business and to yourself, choosing to purchase a franchise or turnkey business package indicates how strong that desire is. You go in full throttle, knowing (not just hoping) that you’ll succeed. This is because you know – truly know – that you have what it takes and you want to start with the right foundation that will help ensure success. These two business models have tried-and-true processes already in place. They normally have marketing packages, websites, newsletters, mentoring and even a business image that you are a part of from day one.

Purchasing a turnkey business package or franchise brings you the opportunity to be part of something bigger. When you choose this type of business model, you’re telling your business associates, friends and family and even the competition that you are investing in yourself, as well as in your business. They go hand-in-hand.

When you have the desire to achieve success, you’ll find the means to invest your time, energy and money because you realize the fastest and most helpful way to start a business is with the knowledge and experience someone else has already gained and will supply to you.

This means you’re telling everyone you speak to that you have more than an interest in doing business with them; you are telling them that you have invested in the opportunity to do so!

Author's Bio: 

Cindy Hartman is President of Hartman Inventory, a woman-owned business that provides business and home inventory services. She and her husband Mike also own Hartman Inventory Systems, a complete turnkey inventory business package for those who want to establish their own inventory company. Cindy writes a blog for each company and is also a freelance writer on topics of disaster preparedness and recovery, small business, product reviews, marketing and networking.