The Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meeting is the place to be for New Year planning.  During this month, we’re going to be focused on expansive, strategic thinking for business and personal growth in 2011 and beyond. 
Here’s an overview

Today we’re focused on long term planning and clarity of vision and purpose.
We’re skipping December 6th – I’ll be in Cancun at a wedding!
On December 13th we’ll talk about project planning  - turning strategy into tactics
On December 20th we’ll set up the measurable goals and the tracking scoreboard for 2011.
On December 27th we’ll celebrate the past year and the alignment of strategy and planning for the New Year.

It all starts with having the right context of vision, passion and a clear sense of purpose.

Most people set their goals based on what they can figure out today and/or what they have achieved in the past.   Even if you set goals to exceed what you’ve produced in the past, this approach is limiting.  If you’re working in a sales organization or any other situation where you have to manage expectations, I do understand and support the notion of setting predictable goals so you can manage expectations. 

But don’t stop there.  Instead, I encourage you to set goals based on the biggest, boldest, brightest goals you can possibly imagine.  What would be ideal and fantastic to achieve, regardless of the “reality” you know now.   Imagine it’s one year from today, and you can see yourself having accomplished the outstanding, extraordinary goals that would make you say “Wow!”  

Don’t limit yourself with past experience or current resources and performance – instead, consider a vision for yourself that expands your thinking.  You may have to shift from thinking “How the heck am I going to reach that goal?” to “How on earth am I going to reach that goal?” 

If you play a bigger game (perhaps even an “unrealistic” vision), you’re more likely to explore, discover and figure out ways to make it a reality.  You’ll expand your thinking, reach wider for resources, deliver greater value and ask bigger favors.  But even if you fail, you’re failing at a bigger game so you will probably be further along than if you just settled on survival based goals.

This isn’t always easy, and can get frustrating, so it’s important speaking to have a clear, motivating purpose and an inspiring mission behind your vision.  Consider the following questions to help clarify what your purpose is:

a) What do you want to be known for or remembered for?
b) What are the qualities you stand for?
c) What would fulfilling your destiny feel like in emotional terms (character and values, such as peace, love, adventure, sharing and fun)
d) What would fulfilling your destiny look like in practical terms.(measured goals – for example  “1,000 entrepreneurs clarify their visions, missions, strategies and plans that lead to exceeding bold, unpredictable, exciting goals year after year, with peaceful work/life balance.”

If the idea of clarifying a vision statement appeals to you, please download (as my guest) my program “Who Are You, Inc. – Bringing Out Your Best In Business”

Enjoy every day, and keep me posted.  I love good news.


Author's Bio: 

Jonathan Flaks, M.C.C., Business Success Coach - Since 1998, Jonathan has been helping entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals focus on and reach ambitious goals, maintain continuous confidence and motivation, and achieve balanced success. Jonathan maintains a Master Certified Coach distinction from the International Coach Federation. He earned a dual degree from Cornell University and was Adjunct Professor in Business Leadership and Coaching Skills for New York University. Clients have come from BMG Entertainment, Morgan-Stanley-Smith-Barney, KPMG, Disney, Deloitte, Honeywell, Goldman Sachs, and many entrepreneurial and professional service firms. If you want to start every week with a positive, confident attitude, visit Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meetings.