Technicolor Moments

By Susan Bock

Everyone’s life has superlative moments – times when we feel extraordinary and our experiences are recorded in Technicolor. Think back to when you were a child – everything was new, exciting, bigger than life. You could become so excited by something you could burst with energy and find impossible to stand still!

Fast-forward to today. How many Technicolor moments do you have? When was the last time you were so excited you couldn’t stand still? What was the most recent Technicolor event you can recall?

These memorable moments provide us with an inner-connectedness to living our lives to the fullest – to being totally present in the moment. Not all memorable moments are enjoyable – some are a result of emotional turmoil or a major upset in our lives. The turmoil can often lead to a big Aha! or epiphany. As an example, the emotional turmoil could sound like “I can’t take one more day of working as a corporate lawyer!” or you suddenly wake up wondering “How did I get here?” The realization could be as basic as “I don’t like my life.”

We don’t need a big blow to have an epiphany. Preferably, we can have them in a much less emotionally charged environment. Extraordinary moments happen spontaneously, and others can be encouraged by our own decisions and behavior. If your life seems to be passing in a dull blur, try these tips for spicing up your life.

Become part of a community that is making a difference in the world – making it a better place to live. Join a cause you are passionate about. If you don’t know what you are passionate about, try surfing the web to find a cause that peaks your interest.

Challenge Yourself:
The challenge can be mental, physical or spiritual. Do something you’ve never done before – go sky diving, learn to play the piano, run a marathon, read the complete works of William Shakespeare, practice meditation.

Buy experiences, not things:
Take a vacation - even for a day – rather than buying that handbag or new sofa. Go somewhere you’ve never been before – just for the fun of it.

Daydream about your future:
Have a love affair with your future. Dream, design and direct the motion picture of your life – visualize what you want to do, who you will be doing it with, where will you be. Get specific, see the details. Write it down, commit to a date and make it happen! And dream in Technicolor!


If you would like additional information on this fascinating subject, please visit my website at

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A special thank you to my editor who consistently provides me with encouragement, inspiration, and opportunity to laugh at myself.

Susan Bock
 2010

Author's Bio: 

Susan Bock is probably the best example of success as a result of her own program that gives women the courage to embrace and accept change. A true survivor of both personal and professional disappointment, Susan embraced her life at the age of 30 to go on and recover from a broken career and heart. She found the strength to reestablish her life and situate herself as a powerhouse in the corporate world with companies like American Express. Susan found and married the love of her life. But again, Susan was faced with a decision.
At the age of 48 Susan chose to leave the corporate world and embark on the selfless path of helping other women find the confidence to handle their problems. Susan prides herself on being both a mentor and guide to women who question their own strength.

Susan is one of two experts in the U.S. qualified to use the techniques of John Strelecky. She is a member of The International Speakers Network, The National Association of Professional Women, and The Worldwide Association of Business Coaches. Susan is passionate about helping her female clients discover and harness their true decision-making potentials.