Copyright 2011 by Peter Christian

Make no mistake about it, what is happening now has been planned and determined by the universe itself. The Mayan Prophecy about 2012 is our fate and destiny...
The universally heralded and perceptual “shift of the ages” is going to change both our inner and outer world – through the micro and the macro. In this sense we find ourselves “in between” world paradigms or eras as we pass from one cycle of time or way of life to another. This transitional choice or change point has a way of "sorting/grouping" us together leading to some kind of crescendo type of finish before the next cycle begins during a rare galactic alignment which has been foretold by the Mayan civilization ages ago.
The energy brings out "people’s spiritual skills" or true self and get them activated. That doesn't mean that there'll be instant "peace on earth" or that there'll be no conflicts or problems... but it does mean that we have a much better chance of shaping the future according to our true "wants & desires" in a less selfish way that brings humanity and people together for the better. On a personal level it is about finding new friends and allies that are aligned with our long term spiritual path or pursuing new aspirations by questioning our old ways of life that have been directed solemnly towards "the pursuit of our ego’s pleasures"….
It is this same kind of energy that is playing itself out in Earth changes like quakes and tsunamis and which causes "riots in the streets" like we see in the Islamic part of the world because people are no longer willing to succumb to old means of control where they have nothing to say about it all. On a global scale it boils down to who we want to be our "world leaders" who can take us to the next stage of our human and societal evolution in the new millennium. Let's hope it's all going to work out without too many wars, problems or conflicts, but somehow it is probably not going to go the way most people hope or think it will... because modern life has little room or place for the Big Spirit which is here now to teach us some important lessons, that is if we care to listen. If it appears to be "stepping us back" or giving us some “course corrections” for a period of time……. it is because we need to think again about our human behaviours and the results of our actions...that sometimes are misdirected in the sense that they are not for the highest good... or where nobody really cares about the world or others. Is it any wonder then if we are unsure about what to do, where to go & how to be...????
This is why we are starting to see many “freak out” or feel that many of the old establishments or structures that we have believed in or relied on in the past are no longer working as they are beginning to lose control or are slipping away - in an unexpected way that leave us more or less unprepared……. for what's yet to come...
Somehow, someway in the end it'll probably all work out... but it's the getting there to the new world beyond 2012 - that might be a bit of a problem...
The key to it all is totally simple... It's being able to love one another... It seems insane to suffer all this madness just to learn, that deep down within us, we're really all the same... Wanting & needing the same things... Like we're all cells of the same Greater Body... Who knows, perhaps when we see how "mankind" fails to solve the problems we just might reach out to the Big Spirit who will open our eyes & make things right once again...
Essentially, how the world moves on – depends on each and every one of us….our willingness and ability to make a commitment to make small or major changes whomever or wherever we are – for the better.
We cannot rely on others to do the needed (spiritual) growth work for us. Only we – as individuals – can make that decisive transition……so, this is what all this shifting of worlds, times or eras in the years around 2012 is going to be all about……
In order to deal with what is coming our way, we need to stay “tuned” and alert and be prepared in the right way……..this is what the book “The Shift of the Ages through 2012 and Beyond” will allow you to do and tell you all about………
Are you ready for (y)our rendezvous with 2012? Do you know how it might affect you? Will you be able to deal with it all? What can you do? Where? When? How?

To know more, please go to:
or read the rare 2012 guide book:

Author's Bio: 

Peter Christian is an internationally acclaimed expert on 2012. He is a psychologist, journalist, teacher and author with an extensive spiritual and self growth experience related to The Shift of the Ages and 2012.