Have you ever sat alone and tried to envision something, have you ever tried to dream with open eyes. People call it building castle's in air and usually it's atributed to laziness but, their is another side of this viewpoint.

Their is a big difference in dreaming and daydreaming. Dreams are something we don't have any control of, they just appears before our eyes and we could not do anything about it but, Daydreaming is a completly different phenomenon. We daydream when we are in a relaxed mood, in a soothing environment, where we can ease ourselves and think about something we want dearly, we see ourselves achieveing our deepest desires, our greatest wishes. We imagine ourselves to become, what we always want to become. We have total control on our thoughts, we potray a better, happier picture of ourselves. Imagination is not so different than daydreaming. Great many inventors and scientist were daydreamers.

Daydreaming has an esscence of a safe haven, where one can escape away from harsh realities of life, an intelectual, intuitive process where you can create your own world.

No one knows the truth behind the story of Issac Newton and the apple but one thing can be said for certain,he envisioned the phenomenon of gravity, in his relaxed mood, he tried to question and analyze this event in his imagination and this thought process led to law of gravity as we know today.

I would like to mention here another example of a famous but tyrannt daydreamer. I was watching a documentry on World War 2, it showed the early life of Adolf Hitler, long before he came to power, he was an ordinary painter, wandering to find a purpose in life. Although, he was a struggling artist but he always managed some time to sit idle and draw pictures of giant, gothic buildings, structures that existed only in his imagination. Documentry didn't went into details but I realized that this ordinary painter had potrayed himself as a great ruler of Germany, long before he became ruler of a criminal regime.

Albert Einstein, who was an average student in his student life, credited his imagination for his success. He disregarded the education system, which hindered the creativity of a child by rules and regulations. A system based on formulas and equations, which ignored the imagination from which these theories evolved.

So, next time if you see a child smiling while looking in the void, leaning against a wall. Do not discourage him, for he might create a change, a dream which might make difference some day.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
Albert Einstein

Author's Bio: 

Siddharth Sehgal is an international student pursuing his masters from University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is author of a blog on the experiences of international students in United States.