In the world of thought training, the cancel-cancel-cancel technique is one of many different ways to retrain our minds to think in a more positive way. This technique requires diligence and commitment to master, however, the results can be astounding.

What it Does

The cancel-cancel-cancel technique essentially cancels any negative thoughts that we have. The most important parts of this technique are the repetition and the replacing. Immediately upon thinking something negative, you simply say, either out loud or in your mind, “cancel-cancel-cancel.” This tells your mind, both conscious and subconscious, that the thought you just had is not valid and is hereby canceled. Next, you replace that negative thought with a positive one.

Over time, this sequence of canceling and re-framing our thoughts in a positive way can bring about dramatic results. Our minds, especially our subconscious minds, respond to what we think. In essence, we can actually create the circumstances we desire through the power of our own thoughts. This might sound too good to be true, but it is very possible. New research has actually suggested that the way we think, and what we think, has the potential to alter our DNA. This illustrates just how powerful our thoughts are! Knowing this, doesn't it make sense that negative thoughts would bring negative circumstances, and positive thoughts would bring positive circumstances?

Our brains have been trained from infancy to reject and accept beliefs according to how we think and what we are told. When we hear or think something, we go through a process of rejection of accepting of which we're usually not even aware. Unfortunately, many of us today are so used to thinking in a negative manner that our minds automatically accept these thoughts to be truth. This is very damaging, because, as we know, negative thinking breeds negative consequences.

For example, if we are constantly told, or constantly think, that we are not smart, we will eventually begin to believe it. if this sort of negative “training” begins at an early age, even if it is not done in an abusive or intentional way, we can have a very negative view of ourselves by the time we reach adulthood. A person raised with this negative way of thinking may automatically assume that they are not smart enough to pursue a career that they love, instead settling on a career which they don't like very much and will never fulfill them, simply because it is easier. On the other hand, a person who is told and who thinks, from an early age, that they can do anything they set their minds to, will likely do great things.

How to Implement the Technique

Using the cancel-cancel-cancel technique in your everyday life is very easy, although it does require a great deal of dedication. After a while, it will become a much more natural way of thinking. Initially, however, the cancel-cancel-cancel technique will feel very unfamiliar, and you need to give your mind some time to adjust to it.

Every single time you have a negative thought, simply repeat to yourself, “cancel-cancel-cancel.” Then, replace that negative thought with a positive one. For example, if there is an opportunity for a bonus at work which involves giving a large presentation, but fear public speaking, your first thought is likely to be something like “Wow, the extra money would be great, but I could never do that.”

Immediately, this thought needs to be canceled. It is based on an incorrect belief about yourself, and you must train your brain to realize that it's incorrect. Repeat cancel-cancel-cancel, then tell yourself something like “I will get that bonus, and I will feel totally comfortable giving that presentation.” This tells your brain that not only is the original thought incorrect, but that there is a new, truthful belief which it needs to accept immediately. Repeat this sequence as many times as you need, until you begin to feel the truth of the words.

This is just an example. There are literally infinite ways in which you can use the cancel-cancel-cancel technique in your life, from big things to small details. Once you become used to thinking in this positive manner, you'll likely start to see dramatic improvements in nearly every are of your life.

If you're interested in learning more about how hypnosis can improve your life, continue reading here:

Author's Bio: 

Since the mid 1980′s, Steve G. Jones has dedicated his life to hypnosis and helping people lead better and more incredible lives. The breadth of his knowledge is wide and for over 20 years, he’s helped clients with almost any condition you can name: weight loss, anxiety, smoking cessation, exam taking, phobias, anger management, pain control, business and sales confidence, and many others.

So if you’ve ever dreamed about taking control of your life, living your dreams, and channeling your energy and focus towards fulfillment, abundance, confidence, and happiness, Steve is ready to help you.

Studying at the University of Florida in the 1980s, Steve completed his degree with a focus on cognitive psychology and understanding how people learn. However his experiences have since expanded greatly and Steve is now a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and counseling, a master’s degree in education, and is now completing his doctorate in education at Georgia Southern University.

Steve’s practice has taken him into business settings, medical and psychological circumstances, and a variety of other difficult situations where he has helped individuals and groups overcome their limitations, fears, pains, and problems.
He has also worked extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best in a highly competitive market.
Currently, Steve is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy.