Welcome to Creating Harmony’s Harmonising Times. Our intention is to provide our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community as in the new beginnings of 2017 we bring balance between the Divine Feminine and Masculine.

Because new beginnings are always turbulent, we have decided to increase the frequency of the Harmonising Times to twice a month. Our intention is to align publication with the new and full moons. And, yes we are a little late with our second edition of 2017!

It is likely we will all wrestle during the year with the notion of authority, in tandem with power and freedom – i,e, we are being called on to claim more of them. Which will require us to answer the question as to what they really mean? What demonstrations of power and freedom look like, both individually and collectively. Only then will we be able to bring balance between our feminine and masculine energies.

This very process will create turbulence just when we need to focus our energy on what is most important to each of us rather than chase bright shiny objects! What will help here is defining our own passion and purpose and using those to help maintain our focus.

Understand power, authority and freedom?

Until October the issues of power, authority and freedom are going to be generating emotional energy. Which means there is going to be a need, often unconscious, to bring physical activity into our personal and professional work. It will therefore be essential for us all to listen to the wisdom of the body and use the body as a channel.

If we do not listen to the body´s messages then pain and discomfort usually follow until we do! This need is already increasing, though the conscious awareness will not appear until the second quarter of the year.

If any physical or emotional discomfort appears, listen to the message – most likely to be felt in the trunk of the body, the sacral, solar plexus and heart regions. More understanding, case studies and guidance on actions are available in The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony (available here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry). To learn more watch this short YouTube video – the 4th Secret: https://youtu.be/OIYNPeiMS4c

We have also shifted into another long term cycle. This one is 14 years long and favours those of us in the helping professions. Meaning we have been called into active focused service, particularly if we have “alternative” skills. Though in addition to increasing demand for our help, we will need to be more masterful to remain steps ahead of what is unfolding! This re-structuring offers a huge opportunity for purposeful success!

On 19th January three alignments will assist us to gain shape and form to those parts of our vision which have been hidden; address those overlooked details or unfinished business which needs attention before we can progress; and innovation will be more important than following convention.

Unsure how to Create your Vision?

If you would like help in creating your vision, then why not request a complimentary Create your Path strategy session? During this we will work together to:

  • Create a crystal clear vision for your personal and business life and the “perfect lifestyle” you desire to live.
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your personal growth and perhaps keeping you working too many hours with no freedom or flexibility.
  • Leave this session renewed, re-energised, and inspired.

...for more information: http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/appointment-booking/

All the planets in our solar systems are in direct motion. So no more retrogrades until mid-February. We can derive great energy from these planetary positions, enabling us to do more than move forward – to do so consciously!

Until 7th February there is an emphasis on successful communication. Particularly in relation to presenting our transformational concepts, theories and ideas. Encouraging us to pursue our own mastery as we help each other be more masterful.

Until 5th April we are in a very active phase of seeking a renewed connection to the inner self. Hence the greater visibility of meditation, mindfulness and therapies or coaching to help bring people into an anchored state of living from the inner self.

Enjoy an Abundant Life for 2017 on?

Abundance is going to be an overused word in 2017 even if it was not before! Why? Because on 27th January begins the Chinese year of the Fire Rooster.

The Fire Rooster can call in changes in all the forms of abundance in our lives. Finances, career, relationships, health — whatever is no longer working. One or more structures that hold your life together can be targeted for transformation.

We have included in Easily Creating Abundance the ability for you to address limitations to love, health, freedom and wealth aspects of Abundance.

The workshop will enable everyone to identify the main areas where they are blocked and then work through processes to address them. It will conclude with an assessment of the progress made and what remains to be addressed and how to create continuing Abundance in your life.

This is much more than the Law of Attraction, this is about Creating Abundance !

The next one is in Portugal from 24th to 26th February 2017. Arrangements are in hand for the following one to be in Copenhagen, Denmark - probably mid-May.

Contact me at gregory@creatingharmonyinyourlife.com for more information.

With the new moon the Rooster will call out any faulty, weak or false structures in the tapestry of life — whether it is at home, in your business or in the broader circles of society — and demand change. Meaning without firm foundations it will happen.

Transformation which could include anything from careless eating habits to the money system - particularly as the desire to save is one of the attributes of the Rooster!

Author's Bio: 

Gregory Reece-Smith is a transformation coach, author, public figure and founder of http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com. Gregory's focus is on shifting the beliefs that limit individual’s lives and thus their world around them, including that of their organizations. Creating Harmony was founded to broaden the reach of this focus as real success only flows when beliefs no longer limit what is possible.

Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organizations and with individuals. He conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to experience techniques to effect a shift and experience harmony. In December 2014 Divine Time Books published 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony'. This is available in both printed and electronic form from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry).

Whether helping an entrepreneur start to build his business or the chief executive of a large international one, Gregory has always been helping people to develop and grow, allowing them to understand the situation from ‘the outside in’ rather than necessarily the one they perceived from the inside out. Helping to shift their own views, building confidence so that they can take action to identify their own desires and start taking steps toward their achievement and so success.

Gregory states: "My passion is helping 'everyone' to do this, particularly those such as myself who focused on the desired achievement to the detriment of everything else! My purpose is not to help you to cope, rather helping you to transform your understanding and the way you view your life. Helping you to create harmony in your life. The Harmonising Times is published monthly to assist all in doing just that."

For more details about Gregory Reece-Smith's Awaken Transform Live events please visit: http://www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/category/events/

For details about future events to be held in central Portugal with Shamanics in Portugal: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/

For more about how Gregory Reece-Smith can help you get your business objectives clarified: http://www.gregoryreecesmith.com/