What if we had the ability to control our dreams to the point where a person can control the outcome of the dreams? What if we had the ability to control our thoughts to the point where it could change our lives? We can! Thoughts are a powerful thing and it’s amazing what can happen when we can redirect our thoughts to things of a positive nature instead of a negative nature. The law of success is only effective when an individual engages their minds to effect a certain change in their lives, for that to happen then one ought to know a few things about the functions of the brain.

The brain is the heaviest muscle in the body. The biggest part of the brain – the cerebral cortex – plays host to the control center for our emotions, temperature, and memory. The cortex is split into two parts: the right and the left side. The right side of the brain controls all of the abstract thoughts such as art, music, dance, and color. The left side of the brain controls the logical thinking such as math, science, and making decisions. People tend to think with a dominant side of our brain. If a person is better at math and logical thinking then they are considered to be a “left-brain thinker”.

If a person has a more creative streak and is talented in the arts, then they are considered a “right – brain thinker”. However, we will often use a little bit of both sides of the brain to make every day decisions in our life. So even though we may be “dominant” in one side of the brain versus the other – we are still using our entire brain. The cerebral cortex takes up 85% of the brains mass, but we only think with 10% of the brain. So if the biggest section of our brain takes up 85% and it is the control center for our thoughts, memories, and emotions – why do we only think with 10% of it? Like all muscles in our body, we need to exercise them to keep them in shape. We need to do activities to exercise and train our brain into using more than just 10% of its mass. By learning how change our thoughts and think a little deeper than the surface of 10%, and then we could change the very way we live our lives! We can become healthier, wealthier, and happier just by changing the way we think about ourselves and the lives that we live. We have a choice in everything we do. We can chose to think positively, surround ourselves with positive people, go after our dreams and goals and get rid of fear in our lives.

The law of success comes into effect by just taking these basic steps which leads us down a path that will change our lives forever because we have chosen to think with a positive attitude and with more than 10% of our brain mass. Just think of the possibilities that await you with just a change of your thoughts and attitudes!

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