When you are in your growing age, your height increases at a faster rate and to accelerate this pace the right diet and the right lifestyle is very important. But when you reach your puberty, the growing plates at both ends of the bones stretch at a very slow pace or solidify completely. In such case, taking a balanced diet rich in vital height increasing nutrients, supplements, and even exercise, can help you increase a few inches in height, but results take time to show up.

What if you want to grow taller fast? Apart from various time consuming, though natural, ways of gaining height, there are few tips that can help you in growing taller fast. The results from these methods can be permanent and temporary both, but can get you your desired height fast.

Limb lengthening surgery is a medical procedure in which a rod is placed inside the limb. This rod is either placed internally or externally and can be adjusted from time to time. By going this route, 1mm of height can be added to an individual each day which adds up to an increase in height of three inches in a month. Though one can grow taller permanently by this method but nothing comes without a hefty price.

This cosmetic procedure is very expensive and involved some risk of infection and pain. Thus it is very important to have this surgery done by the hands of an expert surgeon and take complete precautions during recovery period.
Now if you have a party to attend and cannot wear your beautiful party gown because of your short height, then you require something that will help you increase your height instantly.

If you are a woman then you can easily wear heels to add 2, 3 inches to your current height. For men there are insole shoes available that can give an illusion of taller height and thus have confidence while being in the crowd.

Clothes also matter a lot in making you look tall and slim. If you are short, avoid wearing checked pattern and cuffs as they make you look shorter. Wearing clothes with vertical lines and having a short hair style will enhance your figure and make it look thin, and as we all know thinness gives an impression of tall height.

While you continue with your balanced diet, stretching exercise routine, and other height increase tips, you can take the help of above ways for growing taller fast. It is very important that you avoid alcohol and smoking if you are planning to increase your height as these habits can retard your growth. So stay healthy and grow taller.

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Can I grow taller is the question many people have, and now that you know its possible for ANYONE to grow taller do you want to know the absolute easiest ways to do it? Click on the link above.