While medication and the supervision of a physician are often central components to managing diabetes, one of the most important things any diabetic can do to keep his or her health in check is eat the right foods. Enriching your diet with the following 10 foods, along with exercise and a healthy lifestyle, will help you control your diabetes.

1-Beans – With plenty of dietary fiber to keep you full, beans also slow down the digestive process and prevent the blood sugar spikes that often occur after meals.

2-Cereal – Sugary cereals are bad for diabetics, but the right cereal can do wonders. Look for cereals made from whole grains that are high in fiber, and add skim or nonfat milk and some fruit.

3-Cinnamon – It may sound silly, but this spice can work wonders for diabetics. Simply sprinkling cinnamon in tea, on top of fruit, in baked goods or in recipes such as chicken dishes can help lower blood sugar and insulin use.

4-Fish – Any kind of fish is good for diabetics, even the high-fat kinds, which are a great source of omega- 3 fatty acids. Fish is a much healthier protein than red meat, and offers “good cholesterol” to help diabetics lower their triglycerides and raise their HDL levels.

5-Fruit – Fruits contain lots of nutrients and fiber, and they are typically very low in calories. You also get antioxidants that boost your immune system from many fruits.

5-Nuts – This is another source of “good fat” and protein, as well as fiber and antioxidants in the form of vitamin E. Nuts help diabetics control blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance.

7-Olive Oil – When cooking, diabetics should use olive oil as opposed to butter, lard or vegetable oils. It’s another “good fat” that helps fight heart disease and control blood sugar levels.

8-Poultry Breast – Chicken or turkey breast, or the breast of any other kind of bird, is a low-fat protein that lowers bad cholesterol and may increase resistance to insulin.

9-Vegetables – From asparagus to zucchini, vegetables have tons of nutrients and fiber without a lot of calories. Eating veggies to replace simple carbs (like non-whole grains) and saturated fats is especially advantageous for diabetics.

10-Yogurt – This is low-fat protein with a unique advantage: yogurt also offers lots of calcium, which aids in weight loss and reduces insulin resistance.

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