You will succeed. Everyone looks for the ‘magic bullet’ fix for many things. The ‘magic bullet’ to six pack abs does take work, but it isn’t that bad.

Start with these simple exercises, along with a proper diet and some cardio work to help, to get your six pack abs started. Doing these simple exercises will help you obtain your six pack abs. It is within your reach.

Whose abs do you admire and wouldn’t you like to have six pack abs just like that with a little effort? You should do many different types of exercises to help strengthen your abs and body. But start here with some simple tips to get you those 6 pack abs! Give yourself with some strong six pack abs and a healthy body in no time – and have others admire your abs!


No question, you need a healthy diet to start aiding in the process of loosing fat around your abs. You also need to start with some simple exercises. Warm up with squats. Squats not only tone your abdominal and leg muscles, but they also strengthen your spine and keep you upright and strong. Try starting with twenty squats (two sets of ten is good to start). Work yourself up to forty or fifty (you can add weights for more challenge). If you work hard, you will soon find that you will lose fat rapidly.

Try fifty to a hundred crunches. There are many different variations: your feet on the ground, feet up in the air, reverse it by lifting your butt up keeping your legs stable, etc. Variation is good for a better overall effect. Bicycle crunches and reverse leg lifts are good as well. It's best to consult your gym trainer to help you out with your daily regime.

Adding sit ups to your routine will also help you get your six pack abs. Do your sit ups regularly, in addition other important exercises to help make your abs and body strong. You can do your sit ups by lying on the floor with your hands behind your head and then raising your body from the waist and try and touch your knees. Begin with 20 sit ups and increase it to 30-50 as you build strength. You could see a difference in just a couple weeks time!


You can also do a few legs lifts. This is usually done by lying on your back and lifting your legs alternately just above the ground. You can also do this by lying on your sides. Keep lifting and lowering alternately. You can also do 10 - 20 lifts per leg at a time. Use a partner challenge you and to help keep your interest. Leg lifts help to tone up your lower abdomen

Do push-ups. You can also hold yourself in the push-up position for a certain duration. Begin with 40 seconds and later increase to 5 minutes. Push-ups and static holds, which is holding your body in a push-up position helps to tone up your abdominal muscles. Do torso twists and it will reduce the circumference around your waist. Add weights to your routine as well.

Add cardio exercise to your routine to help balance it out. Short sprints add a great punch to your ‘magic bullet.


Use a trainer to make sure you are doing your exercises correctly. This will help make your exercise more effective. You will also help minimize any potential to hurt your body by doing something wrong. Later you can do these on a regular basis all by yourself at home. Then have the trainer guide you as to the most effective abs workout for your body type, as well as, make suggestions on how to make even more progress with more challenging exercises. Your trainer can also help guide you on good nutrition to help ensure your ‘magic bullet’ will give you your six pack abs.

Get started now on the road to fulfilling your dream of having six pack abs. Your abs truth would help you with even more great suggestions.

Be Healthy,

Renee' Barnes-Orozco

P.S. Please be sure to check with your doctor prior to starting a new diet or exercise routine.

Author's Bio: 

Are you looking for the smartest way to healthy abs? Learn all about it at These secrets won’t be around forever, so be sure to find your ‘magic bullet’ help now.