The movie is called “The Secret”. I’ll tell you, it’s no “Secret” that the majority of this planet is still struggling to apply the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a science, and The Secret definitely did not give you all the tools you need to succeed. In my opinion, here are the three most effective things you can start applying right away to make living Law of Attraction simple:

1. Know exactly what you want. I know you’ve heard this over and over again, but it’s amazing how many people still don’t do this.
2. Look for opportunities to be kind and help others. This is a biggie.
3. Plan your day to take effective action.

The first and absolutely MOST crucial step is to know exactly what you want. I
Mean EXACTLY what you want. So many people are overtaken by current circumstances, that they don’t actually take the time to do this. To begin living Law of Attraction, you must do two things right away that will begin the process: 1. Write down on a sheet of paper (that you’re not going to lose in 2 days, and that you can access all the time) exactly what you want. 2. Take as long as you need to imagine everything you just wrote down on paper. In the beginning stages, you should try to visualize this as often as you can, but eventually it will just become natural to you.

The next key to living Law of Attraction successfully, is to plan your day in advance. Now the Law of Attraction states that “thoughts become things”, and you may be wondering how planning your day can improve your results. When you plan your day the night before, you set your intention for the next day. Have you ever felt that you are being so unproductive throughout your day, and you never accomplish as much as you’re capable of? Planning your day the night before will focus your mind on achieving tasks the next day, and increase your productivity exponentially.

Albert Einstein quoted: “Only a life lived for others is worth living”. With this modern day theme of the pursuit of success, many people are living in their own reality, without any single concern for other human beings. We must look for every opportunity to be kind to other beings. The key words are “look for”. Don’t just be kind when the opportunity comes up, create opportunities yourself. Be kind randomly. The amount of value we can provide to other human beings is extraordinary. Now obviously, you might be thinking, “that’s wonderful, but how will this help me in living the Law of Attraction and manifesting my dreams”? Kindness is a two way street. What you give, you will get back in exponential quantities.

Once applying the strategies mentioned above, you are well on your way to having anything you can imagine. Anything.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Gabriel Patlashenko, and I am a writer from Toronto, Canada. The Secret did not leave you equipped with all the tools to successfully manifest your dream life. Please check out for a free Tele-Seminar with Bob Proctor that could (and will) change your life.