An estimated 30 million Americans have inside of them something growing out of control that's robbing them of health and energy. And most of us have no clue that it's there . . .

A common yeast called Candida albicans lives inside of most of us. Ordinarily your immune system and decent population of good bacteria can keep this yeast under control. So you feel no ill effects.

However, if your health falters . . . the yeast can start to take over. To read the rest of the article, please click here.

When the yeast population explodes, it starts to steal nutrients from your body and interfere with proper digestion. Yeast can destroy enzymes needed for cell energy and increase the release of free radicals that encourage aging and disease.

Even more insidiously, when the yeast grows inside of you it sprouts small threads – called mycelia – that actually work their way into the walls of your intestines. Not only does the yeast then destroy your intestinal walls, it also secretes toxins that leak into the blood stream through the holes it's created.

Candida overgrowth can spread to the esophagus, colon and genital tract. It can cause a range of digestive problems including constipation, diarrhea, colitis, gas and heartburn. Candida’s attack on the intestinal walls can contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

Candida albicans infection is suspected as a major contributor to chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune deficiency, allergies, depression and a variety of other systemic problems.[1,2] And some natural health experts theorize it may contribute to diabetes, heart disease, breast and liver cancer.

How Candida Can Get Ahold Of Your Body – And How Chlorella Can Help

Candida can gain a foothold in your body in a number of ways . . .

• Losing a good support team of friendly bacteria in the intestines encourages yeast to proliferate. Overuse of antibiotics and other medications, including birth control pills, can trigger this decline.
• A weakened immune system can also lead to a Candida take over. Sometimes toxins may be the root cause of immune weakness.
• Finally, poor nutrition simply makes your body weak and puts out the welcome mat for yeast. Any nutritional deficiency can tip the scales in yeast's favor. In particular, eating lots of sugars and carbohydrates – yeasts' favorite foods – can make your digestive system a breeding ground for these venomous fungi.

These and other health factors can contribute to Candida taking over.

But you can fight back. With strategic nutrition, you can give your body the tools it needs to keep this yeast in check. To find out about one of nature's best tools for combating yeast overgrowth, please go to

[1] Crook WG, Depression associated with Candida albicans infections. JAMA. 1984 Jun 8;251(22):2928-9.
[2] Olmstead S et al. Candida, Fungal-Type Dysbiosis, and Chronic Disease: Exploring the Nature of the Yeast Connection. The Townsend Letter. June, 2012.

Author's Bio: 

About Mark Drucker, M.D.

Dr. Mark Drucker earned his Medical degree and Bachelor of Sciences degree form the University of Tennessee. Dr. Drucker began his medical career 23 years ago specializing in nutritional and natural medicine. Dr. Drucker is co-host of the popular radio talk show "Health Talk, A Second Opinion," is a distinguished speaker on natural health topics, and is the co-founder and Medical Director of the Center for Advanced Medicine. He is a certified member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging medicine, the American Academy of General Physicians, and a Diplomat Candidate of the American Board of Chelation Therapy, as well as a fellow member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine.

About Sun Chlorella USA

Sun Chlorella USA offers the finest quality chlorella products for anti-aging, weight maintenance, energy, heart, brain & digestive system, as well as overall health and wellness for both people and pets. Want to learn more health secrets? Get a free copy of our report, "Why Didn't My Doctor Tell Me About This?!" This eye-opening report, created by 5 pioneering natural health experts, reveal nutritional secrets that can change your life. Go to to get a copy. Also, for special offers, news and updates, follow us on Twitter at @sunchlorellausa or ‘Like’ us on Facebook at