Home cleaning is an absolutely necessary task that takes care of the well-being of the occupants of the house and also facilitates smooth functioning in the entire household.

Home Cleaning should be done at regular intervals to keep bacteria, fungus, germs, dirt at bay. The major aspect is the health apart as a dirty home invites disease that births bacteria and germs in the dirt. For instance, if your upholstery is not cleaned at regular intervals, it becomes an ideal place for germs where they can thrive in large numbers. Your toilet will become a haven for breeding germs and your kitchen will become a favorite spot for mosquitoes, cockroaches and other unwanted guests!


Let us discuss different components of the house which will remind you that it’s time to get your home clean.


The kitchen is the nerve center of the house and you have to clean it every single day at least twice daily. Clean the drawers and cabinets every two weeks so that things are organized and to ensure a healthy kitchen.


Sofa is something that should be your priority to clean regularly. If you have kids, then you might have to change the bed sheets every day.  Cleaning will ensure that dirt germs and dust mites are got rid of.


The bathrooms of the house too need immediate attention. Do go for regular cleaning of the toilet, bathtub, and sink. Once a week, clean the medicine cabinets or corner shelves, if you have installed, wipe the mirror squeaky clean and of course the tiles – wall and flooring so that your bathroom is clean and free of germs. Clean the bathtub every day because the maximum number of germs can be found in these places. To avoid skin infections and to keep germs and dirt away make sure your bathtub and toilet seat is cleaned regularly.


 Do not make your refrigerator a dump site where all the leftover food is stacked and you tend to be forgetful about them. Clean your refrigerator once a week thoroughly to prevent bacteria from building up there which also tends to affect fresh food too.


Forget the popular belief that microwaves kill bacteria in your food. If not cleaned properly they can become a major source of germs which multiply fast as the microwave cooking keeps on working non-stop for days. Do clean it properly once a week and go for deep cleaning once a month. It will ensure that you are not consuming bacteria-borne food and getting ill.


Take stock of the situation of spaces behind the cabinets, chests, drawers, and almirahs in your house. Move them around and get the floor cleaned thoroughly. Also, clean under the beds which are often an ignorant area in the cleaning process. You might be surprised to see a huge pile of dust accumulated. Also, wipe the ceiling fans once every 15 days so that the dirt does not accumulate and starts hovering in you and falls son you and your food.


If you think that home cleaning is not your cup of tea, do consider hiring professionals for the job. Today several on-demand home services are provided by professional companies

And they charge a moderate fee. Get in touch with a reputed company that offers astute home cleaning services. Lifeasy is one such professional company that is popular for its various services including home cleaning services in Delhi, Noida, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, and Gurugram.


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For more details of Home Cleaing Service for both your home and office please visit Lifeasy where you will find advice on Home Cleaing cleaning that is effective and safe for your family.