Food processing is a new and emerging business in India, and the government has been taking advantage of the desire to establish mega food parks in a total state and PPP mode. The availability of a large number of food consultants has increased the resources and knowledge available to new entrepreneurs who wish to establish a manufacturing plant.
Here is a list of the 4 main food processing business ideas that new entrepreneurs are working to set up:
1. Manufacture of powdered potatoes and chips: thinly sliced ​​and fried potato chips are a very popular item for ready-to-eat snacks. Potatoes are one of the most readily available vegetables. And the process of making french fries is simple. And it implies simple machinery. The global fries market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 4.3% during the 2017-2022 period, reaching a market value of USD 40.3 billion by 2022. The introduction of healthy alternatives, such as low fat and low in sodium, it has helped fries grow this industry in emerging markets.
Potato powder is often used as a thickening agent in the preparation of a variety of foods, such as snacks, soups, curries and other dishes. However, the manufacture of potato powder is capital intensive. You must obtain approval from the FPO and the Pollution Control Board before starting a business. The government established the Operation Green project to increase the production and processing of tomatoes, onions and
Potatoes in the respective agricultural areas to ensure better utilization and avoid the price volatility of these crops.

Dairy processing: India is the world's largest producer of milk, producing 163.7 million tons of milk annually. It has the largest and fastest-growing dairy market due to its large bovine population. This has led to many milk processing plants in small and medium configurations that are easy to start and get good government subsidies. Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat are some of the largest milk-producing states in India and have served as consortia of milk, private dairy plants and primary milk cooperatives. With the high demand for milk-related protein powders, dairy and beverage processing consultants are helping the sector grow faster for new industries.
2. Spice Processing: Any food processing consultant can tell you that this is a very profitable food processing idea since India is the largest producer of many spices such as ginger, chilli, turmeric and cumin. The sector qualifies as a micro and medium manufacturing business idea based on the required raw materials. With so many food consultants in all parts of India that now help entrepreneurs to establish spice processing plants, there is a great demand for this sector.
3. Tomato processing: Tomato products are available in the world markets of India since tomato is available in all states of the country. Tomatoes are used in the preparation of soups, salads, pickles, tomato sauce, mash, sauce. The ketchup and salsa market in India alone is set at Rs 1,000 crore and grows at 20% year-over-year. There is ample opportunity to create a unit in this product sector, especially to serve the suburban and rural sectors of India. With the current regulatory requirement and the best subsidies provided by the Government in the Green Operations project, there is a lot of interest from new entrepreneurs who wish to enter this segment.
There are many opportunities in the food processing industry in India in general, but a food consultant is the best person to choose the best opportunity based on the location and budget of the plant and weigh the pros and cons. You can connect with an error solving expert. It is a unique platform that connects more than 60,000 manufacturing industries with more than 8,000 experts from various industries. Get expert advice and be the best in your industry!

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There are many opportunities in the food processing industry in India in general, but a food consultant is the best person to choose the best opportunity based on the location and budget of the plant and weigh the pros and cons. You can connect with an error solving expert. It is a unique platform that connects more than 60,000 manufacturing industries with more than 8,000 experts from various industries. Get expert advice and be the best in your industry!