When the going gets tough, whom can you trust?

We’re not always able to trust external sources like the government, banking institutions, and other outside entities. We can, however always rely on our inner intuitive voice and wisdom, which can provide us with the guidance and light to lead us through sometimes murky waters in our lives. The best way to create a positive environment for success is to educate ourselves so we can be better equipped to make sound choices and create outcomes that serve us, our lives, our families, and our communities.

The first step to create the life you want to lead during these tough economic times is to develop a strategic plan for success based on gut feelings that come from your intuitive talents and by fine-tuning your problem solving abilities. There is a masterful artist within you wanting to escape today’s economic woes — you simply must wade through the clouded passage to gain clarity and awaken your inner consciousness. How do you do that? You begin with a healing meditation for your mind, body, and spirit. Whatever it is you are facing at this time, you must masterfully use your intuition and inner healing powers to transform your current lifestyle.

A good example is if you are between jobs and can’t seem to find the appropriate direction to overcome your job loss — you need to make not one, but several mental prosperity notes to yourself on building self esteem and improving levels of self-confidence. You start this intuitive process by saying a mantra aloud, such as: “I am at one with myself and am in tune with the Universal flow of energy. Whatever I encounter today will be filled with opportunity and blessed by a higher source. I am an extraordinary manifesting person and with faith in myself, I can do anything and be anything I want to be.” Just because things aren’t going the way you want them to go at this moment, it doesn’t mean that you cannot succeed. You have to keep your eye on the ball and maintain a deliberate and disciplined focus on the goals you want to achieve. Never give into that part of you that thinks it can’t be done. That is your ego mind speaking, not your authentic self.

Where are you at in your life’s journey?

If you’ve come to a plateau and can’t seem to circumvent or overcome life’s challenges to reach your ultimate destination, you really need to make time to reflect on your life to figure out where you want to be today, tomorrow, and in the future. You create solutions by relaxing into the quiet space of creation, the depths of your subconscious where you receive the precious messages from the divinity within you. From this space, you can manifest any situation you desire. It is through your consistent commitment to your enlightened path that you will find your rewards.

Yes, you can. Have you ever heard the old adage, “If you build it, they will come”? It’s true. But in this case, you will be building a foundation for yourself – a foundation that will give you the edge to succeed. Reinforce your quiet time with positive thinking. Remember your thought power can either open your mind to receive endless possibilities and resources or it can block your flow. As you continually think of the right solution to your problems and the benefits you will gain from them, day and night, you will discover the right resolution for you. This process also requires having a healthy belief system. Believe in yourself and your power—it is important.

If the stock market’s not faired well in your life, you can always count on your intuition and your inner power to get your through these difficult times – it will never let you down. “But it was my intuition that got me in trouble in the first place,” you say? No, that wasn’t your intuition at work. Believe me, if you were listening to your intuition correctly, you may have avoided a lot of the life lessons you are enduring at the moment. Nevertheless, now is the perfect time to put your intuition to work for you. How so? Earlier in this article, I mentioned that in order for you to overcome life’s struggles, you have to keep your eye on the ball and focus on the positive flow of Universal energy. It’s a no-brainer. When you think and honestly believe you can, you will. Period. You have to believe in yourself and understand that life happens. It’s a fact that no matter what you do in life, you will sometimes run into roadblocks that may delay your arrival at your final destination; but roadblocks do not stop you from moving forward. You simply have to re-route your life map and intuitively get moving in the right direction.

A Philosophical and Scientific Perspective

When you’re GENUINELY ready to create the life you want to lead, you will be astonished at the many things you are capable of doing. You don’t have to crawl back into bed and hope yesterday never happened – in fact, be thankful for it. More people have been able to discover a greater sense of purpose by abandoning a certain part of their lives. Your mind has been crafted and molded by a higher power since the beginning of time — the more you focus on positive thoughts and positive outcomes, the greater likelihood you’ll overcome today’s economic challenges to create an extraordinary life for yourself. More importantly, when the going gets tough, you have to learn how to trust and empower yourself to make wise choices in your life on your own behalf. No, there’s no funny wizard of Oz at the end of the yellow brick road, but you can strategically map your life path with your own foundation of trust, belief in your talents and a mastery of your intuition to guide you to a path of prosperity and happiness.

Until we speak again, I am,
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

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Author's Bio: 

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more information, please go to: joanmariewhelan.com