Cure rectal fissures right now with these 5 cutting-edge treatment choices!

Rectal fissures can sometimes indicate a more serious health problem. By now you have probably developed chronic constipation.

You can teach yourself immediately how to heal rectal fissures.

Rectal fissures can be related to many other disorders like crohn’s disease, ulcers, colon or rectal cancer, colitis and diarrhea. Getting the correct diagnosis is very important if you have external or internal inflammatory symptoms such as red and sore skin tissues. Drugs will more than likely be prescribed to ease the problem. In their way of thinking, the only solution to relieve the pressure is surgery or medication. Future problems can occur with this extreme procedure, which can also cause bleeding and leave a scar.

The treatment options in this article will show you how to treat and cure your rectal fissures. The wealth of information that you’ll find here is really a lifesaver.

You can heal your rectal fissures right now with the 5 treatment options listed below:

1. Tepid sitz baths will help:

Warm sitz baths can be soothing for rectal fissures. The bath can also kill harmful bacteria. Always make sure the water is clean and the correct temperature.

2. High-fiber diet for rectal fissure:

If you're constipated, eating foods rich in fiber is your savior. You should eat lots of whole grains and fresh fruit juices to help with constipation. This would also help your poop pass in a smoother manner.

3. Topical anesthetics for rectal fissures:

Rectal fissures can be effectively helped with topical anesthetics. It would be a good idea to talk to you doctor before using them so that you can learn the best way to apply them. The thin cellular tissue that is torn, rubbed and irritated will be helped with them. Put a dab of witch hazel cream on your finger and apply it to the rectal fissures before you go to bed at night.

4. Stool softeners help rectal fissures:

You can also purchase stool softeners. Remember that we're trying to avoid irritation to your anal canal while it has cracks and tears, so a soft stool is important. Talk to your physician about this.

5. Rectal fissures and surgery:

Perhaps you will choose to have surgery to treat your rectal fissures. One surgery recommended is a lateral sphincterotomy. After completion, the blood supply to the anal area should be returned to normal. In order to determine how bad your hemorrhoids are the surgeon will oftentimes use an anoscope before the surgery.

To heal your rectal fissures naturally, click on our website today to read about these cutting-edge tips.

Author's Bio: 

Jake Bremer is founder of and is a health advocate for issues relating to hemorrhoids.