During menopause, your hormones fluctuate, resulting in a number of symptoms, including mood swings, irregular periods, chills, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, weight gain, decreased metabolism, sleep problems, and hot flashes. If you are experiencing these symptoms, bioidentical hormone therapy in Virginia can help. Our team of practitioners understand the effects of menopause on the body and have many proven, natural ways to help you transition into menopause with minimal symptoms.

Circulation and hot flashes
Hot flashes are commonly experienced during menopause and perimenopause. When you have a hot flash, you experience a flushed, red face, overheating, and sweating. Hot flashes may be caused by changes in circulation. When a hot flash begins, the blood vessels dilate to help cool the body, causing you to sweat. During a hot flash, you can experience chills and a rapid heart rate.

Understanding hot flash triggers
Although there is no one thing that can guarantee you will not experience hot flashes, there are numerous things you can do to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. First, you should avoid the things that have been shown to cause hot flashes. The most common hot flash triggers include:

  • Alcohol Alcohol expands blood vessels, which can cause you to feel warmer.
  • Caffeine Caffeine can narrow blood vessels and increase heart rate, which can cause the skin to flush.
  • Cigarette smoke Cigarette smoking increases your heart rate and narrows blood vessels.
  • Heat Heat, including hot beverages, hot showers/baths, or hot temperatures can cause a hot flash.
  • Spicy foods Spicy foods contain vasodilators that can expand blood vessels.
  • Stress: Stress is an emotional response that increases blood pressure and rushes blood to the skin, which can trigger a hot flash.
  • Tight clothing: Tight clothing and too much clothing can prevent body heat from escaping, leading to hot flashes.

How to decrease the intensity and frequency of hot flashes
There are several lifestyle changes that you can do to help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Wear loose fitting, lightweight clothing made from moisture wicking fabrics. When dressing, wear layers as this allows you to remove layers when a hot flash occurs.

If you are overweight, the frequency and intensity of hot flashes can be increased. Regular exercise, stress relief techniques, and a healthy diet can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight, which will help reduce your hot flashes.

Always carry water with you. When you experience a hot flash, taking a cold sip of water or splashing some water on your face or wrists can help to decrease your body temperature. If you are home during a hot flash, run your wrists under cold water or take a cool shower to quickly lower your body temperature.

Many women experience hot flashes at night. These hot flashes are referred to as night sweats. You can help prevent night sweats by using cool bedding materials, i.e. cotton sheets and chill pillows. Use a fan to keep you comfortable and cool at night.

Deep breathing exercises can help decrease the frequency of hot flashes. You want to take slow (6 to 8 breaths per minute), deep abdominal breaths. For best results, do deep breathing exercises twice daily or whenever a hot flash begins.

In addition to the aforementioned lifestyle changes, you can relieve your hot flashes through bioidentical hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormone therapy utilizes hormones that are identical to the ones that your body produces. Bioidentical hormones can be sourced from plants as well as made in a laboratory.

Bioidentical hormones are compounded based on your unique needs. The bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may contain several types of estrogen along with the other hormones that your doctor feels you need to combat the symptoms of menopause.

According to The North American Menopause Society, approximately 75 percent of women during menopause experience hot flashes. Hot flashes cause a feeling of intense internal heat. In addition to the heat, your heart rate may increase, your face may get flushed, and you may experience tingling in your fingers. Hot flashes can end within a few seconds, or they can last for several minutes. Make healthy lifestyle choices, avoid triggers and discuss bioidentical hormone therapy with your doctor.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones