I have been searching, looking for a deep connection with God since FOREVER!

Maybe, I was a lonely child…

Maybe, I felt powerless around the crazy events of my life…

Maybe, I just ALWAYS knew there was more, so much more to our existence on this planet than just what met the eye…


I just knew I longed for intimacy with God.

To be connected to something much bigger than just I.

And I still long to go ever deeper…

Beyond rules, regulations, traditions that are just man’s way of relating to something beyond their own understanding and also, for some men, religion becomes a form of control.  How else can you keep people toeing the party line except to feed them fear of punishment if they step out of line or a glorious reward if they don’t?

We see the effects of this nonsense in the world we live in…

People willing to do anything to ensure that the next life is glorious…

But what of this life?

What of now?

I sometimes wonder how many people would walk away from religious institutions if they suddenly realised that there was no hell to be afraid of and no heaven to look forward to.

Would they still care for relationship with Spirit?

(Right now, leader, you are creating heaven and hell for yourself… You don’t need to wait until you die!)

I still want intimacy

I still choose connection…

And I choose to strip away every man-made structure that gets in the way of my relationship with Spirit.

It is scary to do this as I too was brought up on a diet of fear and every so often, I forget to just go straight to Source and find out what He is saying to me.

And that, honey, is where my power lies…

In connection.

That is where your power lies too…

In connection.

I went through a phase where I felt that being spiritual made me weak…

You are supposed to speak in soft tones when you are spiritual

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Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online