How would your life change if you knew (without a doubt) you are being guided by a Sacred Contract that your soul made before you were born? Would you feel more trusting of your "life lessons", more at ease, and peaceful (even in the midst of your most challenging relationships and circumstances)?

I believe we are being guided by a Sacred Contract that our soul made before we were born. This Contract isn't a literal document. It's a spiritual document consisting of fundamental agreements that describe who we are at a soul level and reveals our true life purpose.

The Purpose of Your Sacred Contract

Your Sacred Contract is your overall relationship to your personal power and spiritual power. It determines how you work with your energy and to whom you give it.

The purpose of your Sacred Contract is to teach you the lessons you need to learn for personal and spiritual growth, which will ultimately help you reach your highest potential and lead you to fulfilling your destiny.

Think of your Sacred Contract as a collection of numerous wide-ranging life lessons encompassing not only the work you do, but also key relationships, tasks, thought forms, creativity, spirituality, and even health challenges. These life lessons represent "individual contracts" that are a part of your overall Sacred Contract.

Individual Contracts (Your Life Map)

Your "individual contracts" can be looked at as a life map that you agreed to follow in this lifetime. I refer to it as my soul's chosen path.

Every person, every situation you stumble upon, has a role in the learning experience your soul agreed to participate in before you were born.

I know firsthand that our learning experiences are sometimes really tough, but once I discovered my Sacred Contract, I recognized that every challenging relationship and circumstance I've encountered is a part of my soul's journey (my Sacred Contract), and it's always exactly what I need to experience to help me reach my highest potential and fulfill my destiny. And the same is true for you.

Unlock Your Sacred Contract

Discovering and fulfilling your Sacred Contract is really about two things: being willing to surrender to divine guidance and making conscious, empowered choices.

In other words, you must be willing to release the life you succumb to (your ego's journey) and engage in the life you were born for (your soul's journey).

To really connect with and activate your Sacred Contract you must ask yourself two questions: Where am I going? and Who will I take with me?

It's also important to know that at any given moment, you may experience a "choice point" in which your Contract may provide you with an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. This is where free will comes in.

The question is: Are you empowering or disempowering yourself with the choices you make?

Shifting Fate to Destiny

Your Sacred Contract includes agreements of both fate and destiny. If you are making conscious choices, you are empowering yourself with the ongoing process of shifting your life from fate to destiny.

Each time you react and make unconscious choices (such as, choosing your comfort zone over what you KNOW is required of you to reach your highest potential), you keep yourself stuck in a fated life.

Your unconscious choices become habits and patterns of behavior that are sure to keep you safely tucked away in your comfort zone making it nearly impossible to achieve your goals and fulfill your destiny.

I'll give you an example from my own life:

Being overweight is absolutely NOT my "destiny" I have "fated" myself to being overweight with the choices I've made (which became my habits and patterns of behavior), including: overeating when I'm emotionally stressed, ignoring my body's hunger signals and choosing instead to binge on M&M cookies even when my belly was already stuffed, using food to comfort me when I'm feeling down, and even using food to celebrate with when I'm happy as a clown!

Looking at this example, can you see the difference between the agreements of fate and destiny in my Sacred Contract?

My destiny is to be at a healthy, energetic weight -- not uncomfortably burdened with extra weight. But my choices landed me smack in the middle of a fated life.

Of course, your Sacred Contract (including agreements with fate and destiny), deal with much more than just weight, but I wanted to give you a personal easy-to-understand example. ;)

"It is your birthright to discover your sacred contract. It will guide you to find your divine destiny." Caroline Myss

Archetypes are the KEY!

You were born with a circle of 12 core archetypes that are specific to YOUR soul's journey. Your archetypes act as "Inner Allies", helping you fulfill your Sacred Contract and empowering you to make the conscious choices necessary to shift your life from fate to destiny.

Your archetypes provide the foundation for your personality and reveal what's motivating you to think, feel, act and react the way you do. And, trust me, you will find an archetype behind every choice you make and every action you take!

However, these archetypal patterns will remain unconscious to you unless you commit to identifying them and doing what I refer to as "archetypal shadow work". Once you become aware of the shadow's presence, you neutralize its negative impact in your life.

If you're interested in identifying your circle of 12 core archetypes, exploring your Sacred Contract, and shifting your life from fate to destiny, I'd love to be your guide!

Author's Bio: 

Joy Phillips, PhD (a.k.a "The Archetype Coach"), is a certified Caroline Myss archetypal consultant and an expert at helping courageous, soul-inspired women identify and release unconscious, self-defeating patterns of behavior that may be blocking them from achieving their goals, reaching their highest potential, and fulfilling their destiny. Joy works with women from all walks of life who have an unshakable inner knowing that there's something greater they're "meant" to do. Her clients are "Seekers" who are eager to awaken to their soul's true nature and purpose, as they transform the life areas that have always challenged them (e.g., relationships, health, weight, body image, career/business). Get your free Starter Guide today!
