Research shows that one third of Americans aren't getting enough vitamin D, a nutrient that has been linked to lower risk for heart disease and colon cancer. The most effective way to get vitamin D is direct sun exposure because the production of vitamin D in the skin is triggered by UVB rays. However, patients who are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays without the protection of sunscreen have an increased risk of developing melanoma and other forms of skin cancer. As healthcare providers and patient educators, it is important for licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) to teach patients and families about alternative sources of vitamin D.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin D is 600 international units and there are many supplements available that provide this amount. LVNs should advise patients to shop for a supplement that offers between 600 and 1,000 UI, but should also warn patients that the recommended maximum dosage is 4,000 IU per day. Patients should refrain from taking too many supplements a day because exceeding the maximum recommended dose can cause damage to the heart and kidney.

Being out in the sun is also a good way to get some vitamin D, but LVNs should also stress to patients the importance of wearing sunscreen whenever outdoors. Although sunscreen shields against the UVB rays necessary to produce vitamin D, patients rarely apply the correct amount of sunscreen needed for full protection and realistically some rays will pass through. This allows for a healthy supplementation of vitamin D without the dangers of braving the sun's harmful rays unprotected.

LVNs can also educate patients about the many natural food sources of vitamin D, including wild salmon and egg yolks. Other commonly known products, such as milk, orange juice and cereal, are fortified with vitamin D. However, LVNs should stress that patients should not rely on food as their sole source of vitamin D as they would have to consume a large amount of a food to meet the daily recommended dose. Instead, food sources should supplement the previously mentioned methods of receiving adequate amounts of vitamin D. vitamin D is very important for human body.

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Robert Fogarty is a writer and writing blogs. The following link might be helpful to you: Best Nursing Programs