In your extensive search using the internet for facial mole removal creams, you are bound to have read some reviews on a product that is called Dermatend. Aside from being affordable, Dermatend is easy enough to be used by anybody. You will not have to endure any pain when using this to eliminate your moles.

When you order Dermatend, you will receive a package where you will find two main ingredients. These are the main cream and the antibiotic. The cream and antibiotic are made from natural ingredients. Since it will take roughly a week for the moles to disappear, it would be best to apply the creams during the weekend. If you want to see results by Sunday night, you should time your application of the cream on the evening of two Fridays before. Other users of the cream even went so far as claim that their moles had disappeared just 72 hours after application! It sounds too good to be true, but it does happen. You can experience this outcome, if you start using such natural facial mole removal creams or lotions.

You will not suffer from any side effects unless you are allergic to the formulation of the cream. Raised moles would normally take you longer to remove. What follows is a step-by-step guide on removing the mole.

The first thing you have to do is wash and clean the area with sterile solution. You may also use hot soapy water to do it. Wash or sterilize two times just to make sure the area is completely clean. For a minute, use emery board to rub the area or a needle to pierce it. As before, wash the area again with soapy water. This time, cover the mole completely with the cream.

After this, fabric bandage is used to cover the moles. Let it remain overnight. This means that, while you are asleep, the mole removal action of the cream is taking place. Don't worry about the dead skin cells because your immune system will take care of them. This procedure using natural means will not expose you to a lot of side effects. Upon removal of the bandage, you can wash your skin with hot water and watch as a scab develops over the mole. It will take another 48 to 72 hours until the scab naturally drops off.

If you do not observe scab formation, it is advisable to repeat the whole procedure. In this second round, you should make use of a more generous amount of the cream and the piercing should be done a bit stronger. Be mindful of any sensation of burning or tingling when the cream is applied to your skin. This sensation means only one thing: the cream is actually working.

In order to speed up the process of healing, antibiotic cream can also be used on the third day. There are also certain case studies, where the cream has not worked out well for some people. In such cases, you can return the cream to the manufacturing company and the good news is that you will be given a complete refund for the product.

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