"When I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep;
it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly."
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Prolific Classical composer.

Like the circles or round-abouts in France, life often feels like we are going around-and-around in circles. Take a hint from the round-abouts and when needed, spin-off into another direction and take a break.
Ideas on spinning off:

Take a break from your routine and do something, anything completely different.

Drive a new route to work or school and enjoy the different scene.

Have a picnic dinner on the living room floor, red wine and all.

Change your type or place of exercise. Instead of yoga, go out for a walk. Instead of running, go swimming. Instead of having coffee with an old friend, invite a new one.

Listen to a different type of music or watch a program or movie you would never normally see.

Call someone you haven't spoken to in a while or better yet, write a letter on paper.

Take a day off from technology and turn off the cell phone, computer, IPod, and PDA. Notice how being unplugged makes you feel.

Pretend you are on an exotic island and make a Pina Colada.

Do something spontaneous and different; go to a museum, a comedy show, or an art gallery.

Spin-off's are often free, easy, fun, and make you smile. As they say “change can be a good thing.”

Author's Bio: 

About the Author - Dr. Suzanne Saxe-Roux is an entrepreneur extraordinaire who has built, grown, and sold a professional training company. Her mission in life is to inspire, educate, and empower people to grow and learn. As a consultant, writer, author, speaker, coach, wife and mother, Suzanne has co-authored two books, The Consultative Approach, Partnering for Results! and her latest book, Courage and Croissants, Inspiring Joyful Living as well as E-Books on Business and Lifestyle Planning. Connect with Suzanne at www.healthyjoyfulliving.com.

(c) Copyright, all rights reserved Suzanne Saxe-Roux 2010