How long would you wait for a site to load its page? Well, with a statistics of close to 547200 new websites coming up every day, users are not ready to waste even a second waiting for a web page to load. Thus website owners for a pleasant experience of the visitor need to spend time to ensure that their sites are fast. If not, they can implement the following steps to boost the speed of their website. This list of 5 tips to optimize website speed is compiled by Nivida Web Solutions – one of the best website designing company in Vadodara:
#1) Updating web pages helps to maintain its speed to a great extent. What to update in a good web page? Well, simply update vast size images with thumbnails and you will a big difference in the speed of the webpage. That’s just one example. Updating web pages to boost speed has been a conventional website speed boost practice.
Nivida Web Solutions is a software development company in Gujarat.
#2) Replacing inline JavaScript and CSS files with external files of the webpage also boosts its speed. Using inline CSS is backdated and makes a webpage slow. External JavaScript and CSS files simplify website optimization process.
Nivida Web Solutions is a web designing company in Gujarat.
#3) Editing image size in Photoshop and re-uploading it also impacts page speed. However, editing image size in HTML might not make a difference to the speed of a webpage. Hence, if planning to improve the speed of a webpage/site, it is best to resize it offline than in HTML.
Nivida Web Solutions is a mobile app development company in Vadodara.
#4) As mentioned earlier, images deter webpage speed. Hence, website owners must try to explain in text as far as possible and reduce the number of images in a webpage. Too many images in a webpage make it confusing for the user as well.
Nivida Web Solutions is a web development company Gujarat.
#5) Reducing the number of HTTP requests of a web page helps to reduce its speed. Do keep checking the HTTP requests of each webpage of your site and keep working on them for high speed website of your brand.
For any further guidance about website speed optimization, feel free to contact Nivida Web Solutions. Located in the city of Vadodara, the Nivida Web Solutions IT services are available worldwide.

Author's Bio: 

How long would you wait for a site to load its page? Well, with a statistics of close to 547200 new websites coming up every day, users are not ready to waste even a second waiting for a web page to load.