Drinking tea or coffee are daily morning rituals for people everywhere. In fact, after water, tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Having a hot cup of tea can be for the everyday or special moments. These routines become interwoven into life. We all create our own versions. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences of what type they prefer.

But what about cannabis tea? This is also a ritual, and one that has profound experiential and medicinal benefits. Cannabis tea is a long standing tradition for consuming this green, medicinal plant, especially among ancient cultures. While we are all familiar with the delicious, sweet and chocolatey cannabis food products available today, many of us have forgotten about the simple pleasures of cannabis tea.
“Green Teas” A Little Bit Confusing

Tea is derived from plants and parts of plants. Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds can all make tea. Typically the plant ingredients are dried ahead of time but not always. It depends on the type of tea. Since tea can be made in so many ways there are a diverse amount of varieties.

Green tea and cannabis are more similar than you might first think. Both are botanicals with therapeutic properties. Both are fragrant in smell. Both have been historically utilized around the world for thousands of years. And both can bring delight, fulfillment, and pleasure. Both tea and cannabis can be consumed in the same manner, hot or cold. They can even be mixed and matched together for different flavor profiles and effects.
Cannabis tea is not as widely known or consumed as the world’s two most popular varieties, black and green. It does, however, have many similar attributes. It can be seen to hold even more benefits and effects depending on the desired outcomes. Whether you’re after a caffeine or THC high or calming low, you can easily buy cannabis tea or other drinkable cannabis food products online.
What You Need to Know Cannabis Tea
Most people know you can smoke marijuana and eat pot edibles. However, weed infused tea is an alternative and lesser known cannabis food product. A pot of tea (no pun intended) is anything but difficult to make or modify to accomplish various tastes and wanted effects. This is most likely why individuals have been appreciating cannabis tea for many years.

Cannabis tea isn't new. Truth be told, people have been making it for years. It’s been utilized distinctively across different societies. For example, in Jamaica “ganja tea” is traditionally used for expecting mothers to help battle stress, nervousness, and morning sickness. The calming effects of CBD and antiemetic properties of weed help with this. In numerous societies, the tea has been generally used for therapeutic or formal purposes. Other individuals drink it simply for the joy of getting high.
Benefits and Effects of Cannabis Tea

Cannabis tea has many health benefits. This is attributed to the properties found in the plant via the cannabinoids. There are over one hundred different cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant. These can be isolated for their individual chemical properties. The most commonly referred to cannabinoids are THC and CBD.
Similar to other methods of consuming cannabis tea can help treat chronic pain. There is evidence of this found in numerous studies, such as this one. The main difference in drinking cannabis for pain relief is it can prolong the effects. The onset can be delayed as the body absorbs the cannabinoid properties slower than other forms of consumption.
Drinking cannabis tea can treat anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders. According to the results of a 2017 study conducted at the University of Washington, both THC and CBD can decrease anxiety. TCBD can be consumed in larger doses with less side effects. The study referenced a sample of more than 1000 patients from a network of nine medical marijuana clinics where 37.8% of patients reported marijuana relieved anxiety, 16.9% relieved panic attacks, and 55.1% improved relaxation.
Due to the antiemetic properties of the plant the tea can help with nausea. As a fluid it is also hydrating. So individuals suffering fluid loss due to vomiting can drink the tea. This will not only hydrate but provide relief from nausea.
Where cannabis tea really stands out is in supporting lung and heart health. Drinking tea is advantageous over smoking for lung health. Smoking weed can sometimes increase the body’s heart rate too. CBD has anti inflammatory and antioxidative properties that may be able to reduce heart disease linked to high blood pressure. Therefore consuming CBD without smoking it may have more health benefits to the lungs and heart.
For individuals who are accustomed to smoking or vaporizing, tea form may provide a different experience altogether. Results will contrast starting with one blend then onto the next. This is dependent on the amount of weed and strain used.

How Long Do The Effects Take?

Much like edibles, cannabis tea high is portrayed as smoother than smoking or vaping. Individuals who drink weed tea report feeling somewhat euphoric and recharged. The tea impacts don't kick in immediately. They can take 30 minutes or more to take effect. Cannabinoids when breathed into the lungs are quickly assimilated into the circulation system. Tea is absorbed through the stomach.
The method of absorption can provide a different high. Therefore individuals who are new to cannabis tea are encouraged to begin with a limited quantity. It’s very easy to drink too much before the underlying effects set in.
When smoking pot, the impacts wear off rather rapidly. A high from cannabis tea can last much longer. This makes it an especially helpful solution for a sleeping disorder, or any condition where you want to avoid more doses throughout the day or night.
What About the Other ‘Green Tea’?
Green tea is considered a “true tea”. True tea all comes from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. There are four types of true tea: green, black, white and oolong. All of these teas originate from either China or India.
True tea is different from herbal tea which are blends. The blends or “tisanes” can include a mixture of leaves, flowers, roots, barks and spices. Tisanes do not contain camellia sinensis so technically they are not tea but are still often classified as such.
With green tea the leaves are matured completely. They’re steamed or fired immediately following being picked, and dried with no oxidation occurring. These teas hold smooth flavors and are frequently depicted as sweet, herbaceous, green, reviving, and even nutty.
Benefits and Effects of Green Tea
There are lots of healthy benefits in drinking tea and green tea is no exception. Out of the four types of true teas there are the most amount of flavonoids in green tea. Flavonoids are antioxidant chemicals that are found naturally in the plant. Since green tea is the least processed of the four teas it retains these flavonoid properties better.
The caffeine content found in green tea can depend on the procurement process, brand and preparation. In general, green tea has a higher caffeine content than black tea but lower than coffee. Caffeine being a natural stimulant can increase alertness and reduce feelings of tiredness. A standard size cup of green tea has about one-third of the caffeine of coffee.

Green tea influences how the human body absorbs iron. When eating a meal high in iron in conjunction with drinking tea it can decrease absorption. This can be problematic for someone who has an iron deficiency. At the same time, it can be hugely beneficial so someone who has too much iron in their diet such as hemochromatosis. Hereditary hemochromatosis is when the body absorbs too much iron which can cause complications such as liver failure. Like the old saying goes, “Something that one person considers worthless may be considered valuable by someone else.”

An often reported but inconclusive fact is that green tea can aid weight loss. Regular ingestion of green tea or green tea extract (GTE) with and without caffeine shows that weight loss can occur. There are varying scientific results that link green tea with fat burning properties and promoting a higher metabolism. This scientific article goes into further detail of how and why the results have been inconclusive but how GTE may still be beneficial.

Other purported benefits of green tea include: reducing cancer potential, fighting cardiovascular disease, reducing levels of cholesterol, cognitive function, improving oral health, and antifungal properties.

Cannabis tea doesn’t store well and is better consumed fresh which is another reason to make this in small batches. If you find the prospect of following the recipe too big of an undertaking you can always buy drinks or other cannabis food products online at Top BC Cannabis

Author's Bio: 

Jacob is an experienced cannabis content writers who write on various cannabis health related topics. Visit Top BC Cannabis to learn more about marijuana affects and benefits.