In Elizabeth, robotic gyn surgery is performed for several types of gynaecologic conditions when medication alone is not enough to treat the symptoms. Robotic gynecological surgery is used to treat endometriosis, fibroids in the uterus, cancer and excessive bleeding. Surgery is usually recommended for long term relief.

Facing a medical condition related to the uterus can be traumatic for a woman as it impacts her physically and emotionally. These conditions could include cervical and uterine cancers like endometrial cancer, fibroids, uterine prolapse, abnormal bleeding and endometriosis. Depending on the severity of the condition and the woman’s age, medical history and diagnosis by the physician, treatment options can vary. As an alternative to general open surgery, laparoscopic procedures are popular as treatments for various gynecologic conditions.

The types of robotic gyn surgery with the da Vinci surgical system

Robotic gyn surgery in Elizabeth uses the acclaimed da Vinci surgical system, a device that assists surgeons, enabling them tackle complicated surgeries safely. The actual surgical procedure is performed via minute incisions to provide access to the surgeon. The surgeon controls the hands inserted into the incisions through the device and views the procedure as a three dimensional image on the screen. The surgeon has complete control over the procedure with more flexibility.

Some of the common types of robotic gyn surgery currently being performed are:

- Hysterectomy where the uterus or the uterus and cervix are surgically removed to treat uterine disease, fibroids, cancer and endometriosis
- Myomectomy which is used to treat uterine fibroids and non-cancer related tumors in the lining of the uterus
- Removal of cancer tumors
- Fibroids
- Abnormal periods
- Removal of the ovaries
- Endometriosis resection
- Sacrocolpopexy or Uterine and vaginal prolapse
- Cervical dysplasia
- Correcting blocked fallopian tubes in fertility treatment
- Lymph node biopsies

Benefits of robotic gyn surgery
Today, with advanced technology, women also have the option of choosing robotic gyn surgery in Elizabeth as a safer treatment option.Robotic surgery offers many advantages over traditional open surgery and laparoscopic procedures in the form of reduced pain, smaller incisions requiring shorter recovery time and hospital stay, lower hospital costs, fewer complications, less risk of infection, less scarring and less bleeding so that you can return to your normal routine sooner. There is less damage to the surrounding tissues and organs because it is a minimally invasive surgery. The surgical procedure can be performed with greater precision, enhanced dexterity and visualization and better access. In traditional surgery, larger incisions are required to provide the surgeon access to the uterus and surrounding area.

Although robotic gyn surgery is now quite common and recommended for its benefits, the success of the procedure depends on the patient and the surgeon performing it. It is also important to consult with a surgeon to know if robotic gyn surgery in Elizabeth is suitable for your specific gynecologic problem.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Khazaei, a Gyn Surgeon New Jersey, specialist of Robotic Gyn Surgery Elizabeth is serving all areas of NJ at the highest level of care with the help of excellent health care professionals.