What if…

What if you just let it be fun?

What if you stopped taking it all so seriously?

What if you let the real you, the heart of you, the part that is full of desire and fun and joy, what if you let it all out?

I know, I know you think that business, life should be taken seriously…

This message inside of you, so much to say to people, so much to unleash and yet, you hold back, trying to find the perfect way to tell them, trying to be absolutely certain that it will hit all the right buttons when really, all you need to do is be you…

Boldly, bravely, confidently, charismatically…

What if you let it all out?

Just as it is?

Without seeking to obey any rules about how to do business, any rules about how to speak, how to be good…

What if you finally realised that the rules were made by people just like you?

What if you realised that they just told you what worked for them but who the heck said it would absolutely work for you?

What if you made up your own way?

What if you just simply trusted the voice within you, those intuitive nudges?

What if you dialled that up so that you listened more to what was within you than what was without?

What if you allowed it all to be fun?

Children learn so much, grow so much because they have fun with life, they play games, they don’t take it all so seriously and then we the adults, teach them to be serious, to shut down their intuitive ability to figure things out, we tell them that there is a way to do it and they become more silent, more sullen and they forget to trust what is within them.

You have forgotten, haven’t you?

You got silenced a long time ago and now, you wander, searching, wanting to remember you again but at the same time, thinking that YOU is simply not enough…

And so you keep adding and adding to you…

You keep drowning you out with all the rules and the ways it MUST BE DONE…

You keep accepting more and more layers…

And the fun gets squashed out…

The fear gets louder and louder…

And you have become so used to making decisions from fear and now, it has become your identity…

And life gets smaller and smaller as you continually look to your fears to make your next decision…

What if you took a moment to ask “WHAT WOULD I BE DOING RIGHT NOW, IF I WAS NOT AFRAID?”

Go on, ask yourself that…

And start to remember who you really are…

The fearless leader warrior champion that you are really created to be…

You know it!!!

It resonates in your heart as you read this…

You know you are born to dominate over fear…

You know you are not born to be in bondage to your emotions…

What if you allowed yourself today to live from joy, fun, freedom…

What if you acted on those ideas within you…

What if you chose YOU?

What if you stopped worrying so much about getting it perfect?

What if you allowed yourself to be vulnerable?

What if you accepted that the rules simply do not apply to you?

What if you stopped living for approval from people who are looking for approval from you?

What if you shared what you have with the world without care for the right way to do things?

What if…

What if…


HOney, you need to retrain your brain, you know you do…

Retrain it back to the way it was created originally to be…

Retrain your brain to be all about joy, love, power, abundance


We start Monday.

What if this is exactly what you need to break free of the internal nonsense?

Jump on board now – The Day 1 discount is going away in a very little time –href="http://rosemarynonnyknight.com/braintraining" RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/braintraining

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online