Human resources is the center of employee management in a business. Human resources departments facilitate the hiring of new employees and often performs exit interviews with employees leaving a company. Human resources also manages many aspects of employment, including health benefits and training. To manage these aspects, the human resources department will often use specialized HR software that streamlines each process, allowing for more efficient management of employees.

Turnover Reporting

Turnover reporting is a crucial feature of HR Software, especially for companies that want to track employee satisfaction. Reporting features for turnover may include the ability to track exit interviews that can be used by a company to determine the primary cause for employees leaving their jobs. The information collected here can assist a company in making changes that will keep employees around longer.

Employee Evaluation Tracking

Employee evaluation tracking features in human resources software can help an employer keep track of individual employee performance and goals. The information collected here is used to determine an employee's suitability for special jobs or even for further employment with the company, as well as eligibility for raises.

Benefits Tracking

Benefit tracking features allow human resources departments to maintain a list of the company benefits an employee receives. This is important information that includes health benefits, sick or leave time, and any special bonuses for which employees are eligible.

Training Schedule

The training schedule module in human resources software helps a company track any specialized training for individual employees. This can include training employees have received from the company itself, as well as outside training. This feature can be used to track a company's training expense per employee and each employee's suitability for the job.

Health Record Tracking

For companies that require regular physicals and immunizations of their employees, health tracking is a feature that can alert human resources to employees who are not up to date on required health standards.

Author's Bio: 

Farsight IT Solutions provides bespoke software development services using web technologies. We works on Appraisal Software, Payroll System, Leave Management System, Salary Systems, Attendance Machine, Biometric Machines, HRIS System and many more web applications.