So you've gone through the effort... collecting testimonials and putting them onto every web page, right next to your page copy to provide that critical social proof. You're all done, right?

Not so fast. Ask yourself: how do the testimonials look?

I don't mean if they are compelling - how explicit are the result?. I don't mean if they are current - are they recent testimonial that have recently been rotated through? I don't mean if they are credible - is the source of testimonials viewed by the reader as their peer?

I mean literally, how does your testimonials look?

There was a fascinating study conducted by Mike Reining from MindValley Labs. In it, they tested how the appearance of a testimonial impacts click-through rates. Specifically, they compared a very boring, unstyled text testimonial versus the same testimonial dressed up with a punchy font and graphic treatment.

Something similar to this:

Plain Testimonial:

Your widget increased our sales by 100% in three months.

Styled Testimonial:

“Your widget increased our sales by 100% in three months.”

The results? The styled testimonial increased conversion rates by over 200%!

By making the testimonial more visually appearing, it increases the odds the reader will notice it. And once the reader notices it, the natural power of the testimonial to increase conversion rates kicks in...

If your testimonials don't look that appealing - don't worry. To help you, we've provided a couple of canned styles to help give some visual appeal to testimonials on your own web site. You can download them from the Testimonial Director support site (you don't need to be a Testimonial Director customer to take advantage of these). Get These Testimonial Styles and Increase Your Conversion Rates!!

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Author's Bio: 

Colleen Francis, Sales Expert, is Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions ( Armed with skills developed from years of experience, Colleen helps clients realize immediate results, achieve lasting success and permanently raise their bottom line.
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