When our forefathers stepped on our shores in the 1600's they were seeking to separate themselves from an oppressive government and establish a place where they could experience religious freedom. Somewhere in our very short existence of 239 years we have seriously lost that vision.
This country exports the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the entire globe, but at home we are drowning in sin. We've conditioned ourselves to except the parts of the Bible we're comfortable living with. Well maybe it really didn't mean that, maybe, because that was the Old Testament, God didn't really mean that. God's Word is a structured, truthful expression of who is, he doesn't bend his Word to accommodate your life.

I know that slavery has existed for thousands of years and I believe, because of slavery a dark cloud hangs over America. I will never believe a righteous God accepts man's desire to own another human being. The way America has treated black America is truly sin at its pinnacle. All the Confederate flags across this entire nation can be pulled down and destroyed, that flag and what it represented is draped within man's heart. Hatred is passed down from generation to generation and the extent of ignorance to tell a race of people that they are inferior is beyond wrong. If the brave blacks of the sixties had not stood up for what is right, guess what...they'd still be living in the 1860's. From the end of the Civil War, they were still slaves for a hundred years, under the oppression of white America. The Bible says that Truth will set you free, America please wake up and admit, we've have done grave atrocities against the black race. I believe America is starting to reap what it has sown.

In the sixties Madalyn Murray O'hair and another couple took their grievance to the Supreme Court to have prayer removed from the public schools, I was raised in the 50's, saying a prayer to my Creator each morning in class didn't ruin my day, actually it made me thankful I had a God who loved me and let me be born in this country. Unfortunately three people were able to start America's downward slide to where we find ourselves today. If those people had a problem with prayer, those children should have been allowed to go into a study hall for 10 minutes or so and if that prayer was really the issue, don't feel you were being left out, feel your parent's wishes were being fulfilled, instead the Supreme Court removed Church from State and opened Pandora's box.

In 1973 a monumental Supreme Court ruling came down, supporting a woman's right to privacy to receive a legal abortion. I don't think anyone except God knows the millions of babies that have been slaughtered. There has been countless discussions on whether a fetus is a living person, when God formed you in your mother's womb he has already placed your soul in you, if that doesn't declare you're a living, breathing person, try living one micro second without your soul. The blood of those innocent babies lies on the hands of those Supreme Court Justices and those abortion doctors.

Now after years of battling to have the law against same sex marriages overturned...yeeeeeeahhh! I mean booooooooooo, no really I don't know what I mean, because today, right is wrong and wrong is right. If God didn't want me this way, he wouldn't have made me this way. Fact of the matter is that the only force that wants you to live this way is Satan. Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been given the ability to place thoughts in our heads, you either control the thoughts or the thoughts will control you. You've prayed, been prayed for, tried drinking it away, drugging it away, but this thought has entered in the computer of your mind and guess what, it isn't going anywhere. God has made us creatures of choice, the actions you have chosen to pursue are yours to own. God is Holy and Righteous and as hard as we try to brainwash ourselves in believing this is normal, it isn't, for if it were, there would have been three couples in the Garden of Eden, Ben & Roy, Eileen & Susan and Adam and Eve.

I'm not a racist, I'm not a bigot, I'm not a hate monger, I'm just a voice in a ocean of voices. I've read the Bible through twice and granted there is a lot I don't understand and I wonder if a lot of Bible theologians really understand all of it. With that said, there is a ton of scripture that is plain as the nose on your face and you either call it Truth or you dilute it and call it whatever.

We are a very young nation as far as most nations go, but I believe the first two Supreme Court rulings built America's coffin and the Gay marriage decision put the last nails in it. If you look at America today and don't see the storm clouds gathering, truthfully, you're as blind as the justices that decided these cases.

The Supreme Court changed the course of our history, but there is a much, much higher court that will voice the final decision.

Author's Bio: 

64 year old male, married to wife Linda for 43 years. Former Vietnam Veteran, Import Manager for Brokerage firm, Route Salesman, Truck Driver and Target employee.