I used to wander aimlessly through life wondering what I felt motivated to do…

Wondering why I did not feel inspired to do what I said I wanted to do…

Wondering why I did not get my own version of the ‘Because I want to’ Life!

I had bought into a lie…

A lie that in order to do something great, in order for me to live out my calling, in order for me to make the money, have the impact and influence I wanted, I had to first feel motivated or inspired or even feel like doing it!

I grew up the day I realised that ‘feeling like it’ was optional…

‘Doing the work’ was non-negotiable!

I simply had to get off my awesome arse and do the work that would get me the ‘Because I want to’ lifestyle that I wanted…


No waiting for voices from heaven…

No waiting for motivation

No waiting to feel inspired…

No waiting until everything felt right in my world…

No waiting for respite out of my already busy life…

No waiting to work out my internal nonsense…

Just simply deciding what I wanted and doing the work to get it.

It was that simple…


The only thing that separates you from everything you desire is the work and your thoughts around the work…

If you keep telling yourself that you have to feel like it first…

If you keep telling yourself that you are somehow not cut out to do the work…

If you keep telling yourself that you don’t know how to do the simplest thing towards getting the result that you want…

Then you keep yourself from the ‘Because I want to’ life…

It is that simple.

And also that horrifying – You suddenly realise that YOU are really the reason you do not feel as happy as you want, as fulfilled as you want, as rich as you want…

And also that freeing – Because if YOU are the reason you don’t have all you fucking want, then YOU can fix it!

You can make a new commitment to yourself to show up every freaking day and do the work…

And if that does not work (which it does not for lots of people!), you work with a coach who will hold you accountable to your ‘Because I want to’ life and support you in choosing to do the work even on the days when you really do not want to do it.

Life can be so much simpler than you tell yourself it has to be…

So simple in fact that you find it hard to believe it can be that simple.

BUt it is.

The ‘Because I want to’ life will be achieved by anyone who will simply do the work.

That is it.

Yes, there will be distractions…

There will be days when you want to make it more complicated than that…

But you don’t have to.

You can just focus on what you want to make happen…

You can just focus on serving the people you are called to serve and figuring out more creative ways to do the work…

And you can simply just do the work.

Over and over and over again!

Until you reach your goal.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – Have you struggled to get yourself simply to do the work you know needs to be done to get the result you want?  Then join the Mavericks group today at Facebook.com/groups/rnkmavericks – I have an amazing offer coming up for you today.


Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online