Becoming a life coach is a choice I have to make for myself. Nursing may give me better shots for the future but the future hasn’t arrive yet.

Here are the top five reasons that I have for becoming a life coach:

1.) It served a useful purpose for me when I have chosen to face my issues and to get it over with it.

- In my past posts, you can see I have a lot of issues to face.

-There’s the self-worthlessness issues that made me rage over little and big things.

-The money conditioning issues that kept me in debt for a very long time.

-The dysfunctional family issue that I have been carrying with me around.

-The emotional eating issue, binge eater, living my life as a bulimic individual.

2.) I wanted to have a career which I can say I really enjoy and love doing.

If I pursued my nursing path, I will care for other people wherein I won’t be able to do for my family.

And caring for other people but not being able to care for your loved ones will never make me happy in spite of the monetary rewards that I may have for caring for others.

I am not saying that it is bad to care for others. No. It’s just not me. My satisfaction always lies from within.

3.) Being able to help others heal even though I am not in a hospital setting is super!

In my previous post for my birthday, I confessed that I tried taking the nursing boards after 4 years of running a restaurant business. After completely dropping and forgetting everything Nursing school taught me.

And that I didn’t pass.

I know I can still take just so I can have the license, but no. Really, my heart is not for a hospital setting. Not for the medical terms, nor for bloody adventures.

I love educating people. I love sharing my knowledge. This is self-love and this time, I am doing this for myself.

4.) Empowerment for me and for others.

For a person who has been through a lot, empowerment is something that matters most. Sometimes, it feels like you wanted to give up.

But when you see yourself getting off the ground after almost eating the dust, the feeling is euphoric!

One year of sweet chocolate kisses made me realize that I am worthy and that I matter.

Mostly, the approval I was looking for was from myself and now, I see me standing up, reaching my goals one day at a time. :-)

5.) I decided to fly and help others take the leap too.

Yesterday was my father’s birthday. He asked me what made me decide to be a life coach and stop pursuing my nursing career.

I gave him 2 answers:

1.) Nursing was never my choice even in the first place yet I am happy I graduated and got my degree from it.

2.) I decided to fly and help lift others.

But coaching is for successful people only he said. And then I replied, success depends on how you would want to define it. My father is a stroke patient, I told him if you will be able to do things for yourself, wouldn’t that be successful? If you will exercise and try your best to reach even one small goal of say for example, writing a story, wouldn’t that be successful?

I told him I had the edge as I have a lot of experiences in life. He said yes, that makes you a good coach.

The smile he had in his face seemed genuine that he heard me speak from my heart. I am my father’s personal coach. I am my sibling’s personal coach.

I can be your life coach too!



Author's Bio: 

Jhoan Gabriel is a self-love enthusiast, a social entrepreneur, a mother, a blogger, an upcoming author and a soul-centered individual. I am a nurse by education and working in progress in shifting to Master Certified Coach (MCC) in life and business by profession.