Because shame and fear never changes ANYTHING!

In my psychotherapy/coaching practice and my personal life I am always amazed at how often we try to motivate ourselves through shame and fear.
We also live in a world where it is common place for our media to scare us to death about everything!?

Thank about it, When was the last time you wanted something in your life to change.
I bet your first thought went something like this, that is, if we are aware of what we are thinking.
Man, I'm fat, broke, lonely, stuck....what the hell is WRONG with ME....that feels good, right?
Where did we get the idea that shaming ourselves with commands and fearing the worst outcomes will make good stuff happen?

Do we believe flowers, trees or clouds hang around demanding that they change or else?
Shame and fear is all about believing we are not enough as we are.
We don't know that just BEING is enough, we don't have to measure ourselves by what we acheive or what we own.

Real change comes from self love and acceptance.
Real and lasting change comes when we cease focusing on the pimple in our personalities or the fat on our butt and take in the granduear of creation that is contained in each and every one of us.

Our difficulty in changing is that we forget that "to every season there is a purpose" Anything we perceive as a flaw is a window into ourselves, a lesson to teach. We are not broken.
Lasting change comes, often slowly, as we learn through our bodies that one of our real purposees on earth is to accept our humanity in all its flawed glory.

Author's Bio: 

Mary Fitzpatrick, LCSW, CHT is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Writer and Astrologer, Mary is an expert Relationship and Money Mentor.

She brings 25 years of skillful experience to all her work and is the founder and CEO of Limitless Horizons,, a company dedicated to helping people live authentic, fulfilling and prosperous lives.