Why Meditate? – Simple Breathing Meditation

Do you wish to start to meditate and improve your physical and mental health and develop your spirituality? There are a number of great reasons why to begin meditating, and when you begin to do meditation exercises on a regular basis, you will also start to feel some of the fantastic benefits with meditation.

Meditation Benefits

When you do your meditation on a regular basis, you will begin to feel less worried and a lot more relaxed. Those little things that used to infuriate you will no longer have that same affect on you, and you will be able to feel calm and centered during the day.

Practicing Meditation is also able to lower your heart rate and blood pressure over time, and will teach you to be able to relax and center your mind. Meditation helps you to concentrate and teaches you to focus for longer periods of time on just one object without being distracted.

Meditation also helps you in your spiritual growth and makes it easier for you to receive assistance from your Higher Self and intuition.

Where to Start Your Meditation Practice?

So if you have decided that you are going to start your meditation practice but do not know where to begin, you first need to think about what you want to achieve from your meditation practice. So if your goal is to get rid of negativity your focus will be entirely different than from those who want to connect with their spirituality.

Here are some examples of meditation for different goals

Stress Reducing Techniques to Relax:
- Breathing Techniques
- Imagery Meditation
- Mindful Meditation
- Body Scan

Spiritual Growth:
- Angel Meditation
- 3. Eye Meditation
- Chakra Healing
- Healing Meditation

Peace of Mind:
- Self Hypnosis
- Positive Affirmations
- Chakra Meditation

No matter what your goal is, it is a quite good idea to begin with a basic breathing exercise, since this will be the foundation for any type of meditation. So begin by practicing the breathing exercise for some time to start with. You can practice this short meditation exercise

Breathing Meditation Technique

Step 1
Find a suiting location to do your meditation exercise. Find a comfortable meditation posture and then take some time to settle before you proceed.

Step 2
Close your eyes and take a deep cleansing inhalation to get rid of stress and negativity from your mind and body. Now continue to breathe deeply and imagine that you are inhaling a blue wind of healing air that enters your stomach and fills every part of your body, making it glow with positive energy. Now exhale the air and picture it as a dark polluted cloud of drained energy and frustration leaving your body, making you feel a lot more relaxed.

Step 3
Continue to inhale the healing air and let it fill your body and make you feel relaxed and free of anger. When thoughts come in to your mind, simply return your focus to your inhaling and exhaling and continue with the meditation exercise.

Do this breathing exercise for as long as you feel like it. If you are new, you probably want to start with just a couple minutes meditation as you will have to get used to sitting still and be in control of your thoughts for long periods of time.

So start your meditation practice the right way for you and enjoy the great feeling of relaxation.

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Author's Bio: 

Jessica T.
I have always been interested in meditation and spirituality and that is why I have chosen to write about it and sharing my knowledge. I have to say that I am no expert on the field but are simply sharing what I know and maybe it can help you.

Learn about Affirmation here
and learn about Your Subconscious mind here