Press Releases: A Crucial Element to Online Business Advertising

Every business entity desires recognition and acknowledgement among its target market. There are numerous ways in which that can be achieved, out of which press releases stand out significantly.

A press release is simply a written or recorded communication written in third person carrying something of news value to the media and eventually the target audience. If you are running a business with five employees or five hundred, it doesn’t matter. Press releases are highly effective regardless the size of the business entity and come under the genre of advanced business writing.
1. Its Free – Almost

It’s free publicity for your business, publicity that attracts media attention and gets extensive coverage. The only expense is at the hands of the distribution company and that too if you choose to hire one. The other expense could be hiring a professional writer to help you get started.
2. Increased Visibility

Regularly submitted press releases to the media increase your visibility in the target market as well as to your competitors. A long-term press release strategy can very well serve this purpose for your business and business needs. Get noticed!
3. Brand Recognition

By frequently submitting newsworthy press releases about your products, services and other events, you can show the world what you are up to and create brand awareness in the process. It is a great way to engrave your brand in the minds of your target audience.
4. Gain Credibility – Be an Expert

Your increased visibility in the media leads you to gain credibility among your target market. Your news about products and services, free offers, success stories, fundraiser events etc, will send your message through in simple yet effective terms.

Potential consumers start noticing and eventually start taking you as an expert in your field and turn to you for their needs. Once you have established yourself as an expert in your area of expertise, chances are you will get even more media coverage. Everybody wants to hear what an expert has to say.
5. Better than Advertising

Save time and money by sticking to press release marketing techniques. All you need to do is figure out newsworthy activities of your business and carefully mould them into a press release and submit to the media. Say goodbye to overly expensive advertisement marketing strategies and their implementation.
6. SEO Optimized Press Releases: More Traffic for your Website

More traffic is expected to hit your website as soon as your press release is published online. A properly optimized press release will include your top keywords as well as links to your website.

SEO optimized press releases help to increase back linking of your website along with keyword rankings. They significantly increase your website’s visibility with all majorly used search engines, and draw more traffic towards your website.

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This post has been submitted by Josh Steele. For best writing tips on press release writing, visit