These Two Marijuana Stock Market Picks Soared Last Week

This year has been an up-and-down time for marijuana stocks so far, with strong gains offset by blistering falls, all this often happening within 30 days of each other. But that’s the nature of the current marijuana stock market, and it’s something that all veteran marijuana investors should be used to by now. After all, this is a developing industry with a lot of its value tied to the political realm.

This brings us to two companies that have not only dominated the marijuana stock market, but may be likely to take in even bigger gains depending on how the U.S. healthcare bill shakes out.

Cara Therapeutics Rises High

Cara Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:CARA) has long been on the radar of most vigilant marijuana stock market watchers. The company is currently based more on the medical side of things when it comes to pot and has pushed a number of innovative treatments over the years.
As such, it is one of the better marijuana investments in that it has an already stable business that is a little bit more protected from the volatility of politics that, say, Canadian marijuana stocks are subject to at the moment.

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