In MongoDB ReplicaSet, the voting is done by a majority of voting members.

Imagine a Replica Set with three (voting) members. Let’s say that Node A is primary, and nodes B+C are secondaries. Node A goes down, so nodes B+C go to election. They still do form a majority (two out of three). The election is first decided by priority. If both Nodes B & C have the same priority, then the one who is most up to date in respect to the failed primary (oplog) wins. Let’s say it’s Node B.

Once node A comes back alive, there is no new election. Node B remains the master, and C+A are now secondaries.

On the other hand, if two nodes go down you don’t have a majority, so the replica set can’t accept updates (apply writes) anymore until at least one of the two failing servers becomes alive (and connected by the single surviving node) again.

Imagine now a Replica Set with four (voting) members. Let’s say that Node A is primary, and nodes B+C+D are secondaries. Node A goes down, so nodes B+C+D go to election. They of course form majority (three out of four)

However, if two nodes go down you don’t have a majority (two out of four), so the replica set is again at read-only mode.

So that’s why an odd number is recommended; If you loose a single member in a 3 members replica set, it’s the same as loosing a single member in a 4 members replica set: you still gain quorum majority and a new primary can be elected (the RS can still elect a new master by majority). On the other hand, if you loose two members in a 3 members replica set or a 4 members replica set (or n/2 members of n-members replica set) – again – the impact is the same: No new leader can be voted by election.

So, to make a long story short, there is no redundancy gain by having an even number of members in a replica set.

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Kovid Academy plans to be the leading provider of training for technology domains with potential for significant market disruption, including Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, IoT (Internet of Things) Technologies and SMAC (Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud). Our customized approach will serve the diverse needs of organizations and individuals that seek to discover actionable insights by leveraging diverse data sources.