We have exposed 6 of the most common reasons we have heard recently on why people will not start a business today, reason #7 is a very blunt one, laziness! The case of the why bothers, why should I do anything or who cares. Some people have tried to use every excuse under the moon to not do anything to change their position.

This mind-set is a very dangerous one, however in today’s economy a very common one. If we focus on the entire crisis around us we will become paralyzed and complacent. Lingering in this mind-set for too long can create a position of laziness, if you have sat around too long you will loose your desire to move forward. The other issue is those that are genuinely lazy and just do not want to do anything to better themselves or their families. The strange thing about this person is they are the ones always complaining that life is hard, life is bad, I never get a chance/break and on and on.

If we really want change in our life we must get out of the mind-set of laziness and move into action. Consider this transition just like working out at the gym; take little steps to big rewards. If you try to change instantaneously you will most likely give up as you become overwhelmed. If you are in a position of really wanting to make the change in your life and launch out of “The Lazy Mind-Set” here are a few steps you can take to begin the process of change in your life:

• Place notes to yourself on mirrors, wallet, drawers that say “I can do
anything I set my mind to do”, these are called affirmations and they do
• Hire a Life or Business Coach to help you set some goals and keep you on
the right path. They will also help you through this tough transition
from laziness to proactive & productive.
• Find a Master-Mind Group in your area that meets once a week
• Read books that will empower you like; Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert
Kiyosaki or Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or Who Moved My Cheese by
Spencer Johnson
• Journal your progress daily, including emotions & feelings
• Just start today, do not wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes it
is always today!

Congratulations on your decision to be proactive and remember you can do anything you set your mind to do!

Author's Bio: 

Robin Hardy is well known for her expertise in guiding men & women into creating tangible actionable results through Media Training, PR Consulting, Creative Development, Marketing and Business Plans. With over 12 years of experience Robin ensures that her clients create a solid sense of direction leading to greater profitability. Her methods empower people to stretch beyond their limitations, re-invent through a solid sense of self-esteem and deepen their levels of confidence for unstoppable success. Robin speaks nationally, teaches on college campuses and coaches individuals, small business owners and entrepreneurs. As Development Director & Feminine Leader for The Amazing Woman’s Day Movement she contributes her insights to empowering women entrepreneurs and business owners. Whether it be as an Empowered Options Coach, An Inspirational Speaker, An Author or host of Empowering you Radio, there’s one thing for certain; Robin is dedicated to helping others achieve their wildest dreams. www.RobinHardy.net