What is the beginning and end of our work on Self? What can the individual do to begin the work on Self and take advantage of the roadmap left by the Great Masters. How do we access this higher thought which has such transforming power? How do we begin the process of transcendence and benefit by the pure potentiality that comes from harmony and balance? These are all important questions for the individual who now understands the import of Revelation.

While we live in a world of opposites we call good and evil, we are constantly creating duality. If we focus on a perceived problem, we make it bigger. We are involved in a struggle and waste energy. We are dealing with what is, versus what we think should be. As long as there is a difference between what is and what we think should be, we are creating duality – not becoming one with what is. In this process we have conflict, and this is a waste of energy. Place the focus in the observation “what is” until there is clarity, and in this state of clarity as to what is, focus on the higher thought of your creation of what is to be.

Relative thought is based in experience and memory. This kind of thought is always based in the past. It cannot see what is new because it has no point of reference but the past. Our only reference is in past pleasure or past fear. Pleasure is momentary, but fear lingers so that we are constantly afraid of life.

What are we in relative thought but a collection of memories? We identify with what we have collected materially and our memories. Add to this our desire for more of the same and we have our psychological make up. To get past this state, there must be a death to the old and an opening of ourselves to higher thought. When we observe this state without attachment, suppression or judgment, we die to conflict; we drop these possessions, and there is no limit to what we can do. We can accomplish this only through intense observation without judgment. William Law noted, “Once a man understands that he is down here in time and space in order to awaken to another state of himself, everything that happens to him, whether good or bad, comes to have a new meaning.” He speaks to the first important awareness and that is we have a purpose for being here. If we can but come to this single conclusion, we are on the path. The Law of Attraction will begin to pull to us what we need to proceed on this path. We will meet people, come across books, and in all manner of ways, be led on the path to knowledge and understanding.

Maurice Nicoll addresses this quote from Law as follows; “In the light of such a standpoint the ambiguousness of life vanishes. A continual state of doubting and vacillation is replaced by the beginning of a new kind of knowledge. One no longer stares at life, trying to decide whether it means something or means nothing. One perceives that with the ordinary knowledge that one gains from life, one can never solve any of those conundrums which occupy us secretly and which we never know how to think about distinctly. Incapable of reaching ourselves, we remain wandering about in a growing indistinctness, and drowned in the illusion of tomorrow, we see no reason why we should make any efforts to struggle with ourselves now. We cling to all the negations that belong to the illusion of passing time, and perhaps, as life seems to pass swiftly and forever away, comfort ourselves with the deadly dream that we have tried to do our best.”

We start by recognizing that there is more to Being than this physical body. We recognize by virtue of this fact that there must be a reason, a purpose for our lives. We earnestly desire to have understanding, and we usually begin with prayer and meditation. We become seekers because Jesus told us that all will be made known. Prayer and meditation are never harmful, but I suggest that there are steps to be taken before prayer and meditation, so that our prayer and meditation can be effective.

Everything I write in my articles including this one is verifiable by the most important individual in your process – you. It is your life experiences you will be examining and it is your experiences that can be associated with each of the Universal Laws. Even a single facet of each Universal Law will provide the platform for the inner mind, the intuitive mind to expand. Contemplative meditation in which you examine your life experiences as they relate to the Laws and the process of self-observation provide a course of action that is really not action but observation of what is. Identify and verify each Universal Law by your life experiences. Do not approach the process by trying to think of something that has happened to you that might be the Law of Being or any of the Laws as I outline them. Take the opposite approach and isolate major events in your life and then work to determine which Law or combination of Laws was in effect.

The benefits of this work on Self are infinite but there are two noticeable benefits you will notice and these they are enough to change your life. You will become fully aware of the rules of the game of life. In other words, you will never be wondering why something is happening to you. You will know. The second benefit comes from the fact that no matter who you are listening to, on television, in church, workshops or seminars, you will know whether they know or not. You will know whether they are repeating traditional beliefs or have lived what they are talking about.

Author's Bio: 

James Renford Powell is the author of the Renford Books and Founder of The Institute Of Applied Metaphysics. He is also the Managing Editor of IAMPress, a publishing company that works primarily with first time authors. He may be best known for his Laws Of Material Wealth Study Program at http://thelawsofmaterialwealth.com. He can be contacted at renford@iam-cor.org.